Expertises and Evaluations

National Bodies

Evaluation Committees

  • For the Hcéres (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education
    • President of 3 expert committees in charge of the evaluation of the following institutions: INSA Rouen (wave B) in 2021, INSA Toulouse (wave A) in 2020, Université du Littoral de la Côte d’Opale (wave E) in 2019
    • Member of two expert committees responsible for evaluating the following institutions: University Joseph Ki-Zerbo (UJKZ) in Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) in 2023, University of Paris 13 (wave D) in 2018, ComUE HESAM (wave D) in 2017.
  • For the ANR (French Agency for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education)
    • In 2012, member of the expert committee in charge of the evaluation of two research laboratories: the Research Department of the National Geographic Institute (IGN), and the Motive Research Unit of IRSTEA (formerly Cemagref, now INRAE) in Clermont-Ferrand

Scientific Projects Evaluations

  • evaluator for the Council of the Normandie Region: Winning Normandy programme (2 year post-doctoral stays) in 2022.
  • evaluator of several projects that were candidates to the calls for projects of the French National Research Agency (ANR) for different programs: Jeunes Chercheurs Jeunes Chercheuses in 2021, 2013 and 2009, Émergence in 2012, Corpus in 2011, CONTINT in 2011, blanc in 2017.
  • In 2014, evaluator of a candidate project for the “Attractiveness Idex 2014″ call for projects launched by the IDEX of Strasbourg.
  • In 2014, evaluator of a project within the framework of the regional program of aid to Research and Technological Development of Aquitaine.


  • In 2021 and 2022, evaluator for the Vice-presidency of the Research Commission of the University of Western Brittany to write a report on the application file for a registration in HDR of colleagues of the national computer science and geomatics community.
  • In 2013, participation in the evaluation of the activity of 4 agents (engineers and researchers) of the Unit of Clermont-Ferrand at the request of the Scientific Committee of IRSTEA (now INRAE).

International Bodies

Scientific Projects Evaluations

  • In 2023, evaluator of a project candidate to the call of the ICST-AmSouth Program (Ministery of Foreign Affairs and Europe and Ministery of Hgher Education, Research and Inovation).
  • In 2018, evaluator of a project candidate to the call for projects launched by the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS, research funding agency for Belgium.
  • In 2016 and 2015, evaluator of 2 grant applications submitted to the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC).
  • In 2013 and 2005, evaluator of 2 projects submitted to a call for proposals from the Fonds de Recherche sur la Nature et les Technologies du Québec (Canada).
  • In 2012, evaluator of a project candidate to the Franco-Mexican call for proposals of the ECOS-North Program (French Ministery of Foreign Affairs and Europe MAEE).


  • In 2021, evaluator for the National University of Science and Technology (NUST) of Pakistan for a report on the application for a tenure track faculty position of a colleague from the international computer science and geomatics community.