LIG (Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble), HADAS team
Université Joseph Fourier
681 rue de la Passerelle
38402 Saint Martin d'Hères (FRANCE)
Phone: +33 4 76 82 72 02
Office D303bis (ENSIMAG building D)
mail: christiane [dot] kamdem-kengne [at]
I am PhD student conjointly in HADAS team (LIG) and IDASCO team (LIRIMA) under supervision of Noha Ibrahim, Marie-Christine Rousset, and Maurice Tchuente. My PhD subject is on trace analysis. I am interested to define a semantic temporal distance to compare execution traces from Multiprocessor System-on-Chip, in order to find anomalies and help developers of applications for embedded systems in their debugging task.
I am also interested by recommendation on social web and i co-supervised students with Noha Ibrahim and Sihem Amer-Yahia, particularly on data preparation for building social applications (Supervision).
Sihem Amer-Yahia,Noha Ibrahim,Christiane Kamdem Kengne,Federico Ulliana,Marie-Christine Rousset: SOCLE: Towards a Framework for Data Preparation in Social Applications. Networking and Information Systems, 2014.(To appear)
International conferences & workshops
Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Noha Ibrahim, Marie-Christine Rousset, Maurice Tchuente: Distance-based Trace Diagnosis for Multimedia Applications: Help me TED!. Seventh IEEE International Conference on Semantic Computing (acceptance rate ~30%) , 2013. PDF (local draft)
Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Léon C. Fopa, Alexandre Termier, Noha Ibrahim, Marie-Christine Rousset, Takashi Washio, Miguel Santana: Efficiently Rewriting Large Multimedia Application Execution Traces with few Event Sequences. KDD-Industrial track , 2013. PDF (local draft)
Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Léon C. Fopa, Noha Ibrahim, Alexandre Termier, Marie-Christine Rousset, Takashi Washio: Enhancing the Analysis of Large Multimedia Applications Execution Traces with FrameMiner. ICDM Workshop on Practical Theories for Data Mining (PTDM), 2012. PDF (editor site)
Other Publications
Christiane Kamdem Kengne, Noha Ibrahim, Marie-Christine Rousset, Maurice Tchuente. Distance-based Trace Diagnosis for Multimedia Applications: Help me TED !. Research Report, (RR-LIG-045), LIG, Grenoble, France, 2013.PDF (LIG site)
I co-supervised groups of students