Vincent Leroy
Since August 2018 I am on leave from the University and working at Google Zürich.
Associate Professor HDR at University of Grenoble
SLIDE research group
Contact Information
Laboratoire d’Informatique de Grenoble (LIG)
700 avenue Centrale, IMAG
38401 Saint-Martin d’Hères – FRANCE
Office 307
Tel: +33 4 57 42 15 24
Research Interests
My research interests lie at the intersection of distributed systems and large scale data management. Currently, my primary focus is the design of algorithms and architectures to efficiently perform large scale data mining in data centers.
Current Projects
- Datalyse, french PIA project, large-scale data mining in collaboration with Intermarché Alimentaire International STIME
- ALICIA, french ANR research project, composite objects and their applications to crowdsourcing in collaboration with Xerox
- Nano2017 ESPRIT, industrial innovation project, neural networks for low-power hardware architectures in collaboration with STMicroelectronics and the TIMA lab
PhD Students
- Gianluca Barbon, co-advised with Gwen Salaün
Former PhD Students
- Julien Pilourdault, Scalable Algorithms For Monitoring Activity Traces, now engineer at Salesforce Grenoble, France
- Oleg Iegorov, Data Mining Approach to Temporal Debugging of Embedded Streaming Applications, now post-doc at University of Waterloo, Canada
- Martin Kirchgessner, Mining and ranking closed itemsets from large-scale transactional datasets, now data scientist at Luxia
From 2010 to 2012, I spent two years at Yahoo! Research Barcelona as a postdoctoral researcher. I was a member of the Scalable Computing group directed by Flavio Junqueira. I also participated to the the COAST FP7 project. My worked covered distributed Web search engines as well as social Web dataflow optimization.
From 2007 to 2010, I was a Ph.D. student in Computer science under supervision of Anne-Marie Kermarrec and Marin Bertier in the ASAP research group at IRISA (Rennes, France). I was a member of the Gossple ERC research project, working on deploying social applications on P2P networks.
I hold a Research Master as well as an Engineering degree from INSA Rennes (2007).
- Member of the editorial board of Information Systems since 2016
- Program Committee Member: ICDE 2014 (demo track), EDBT 2014, CIKM 2013, RuSSIR 2013
- Proceedings Chair: EDBT 2014