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Publications of year 2007
Conference articles
  1. C. Consel, W. Jouve, J. Lancia, and N. Palix. Ontology-Directed Generation of Frameworks For Pervasive Service Development. In Proceedings of The 4th IEEE Workshop on Middleware Support for Pervasive Computing (PerWare'07), pages 501-506, March 2007. IEEE Computer Society. ISBN: 0-7695-2788-4. Keyword(s): Pervasive, Generation, Programming Framework, Middleware, DiaGen.
    Pervasive computing applications are tedious to develop because they combine a number of problems ranging from device heterogeneity, to middleware constraints, to lack of programming support. In this paper, we present an approach to integrating the ontological description of a pervasive computing environment into a programming language, namely Java. From this ontological description of a pervasive computing environment, a framework is automatically generated. It provides the developer with dedicated programming support to manage, discover and invoke services. Besides, it performs a number of verifications both at compile and run time, ensuring the robustness of applications.

    OPTADDRESS = {},
    AUTHOR = {C. Consel and W. Jouve and J. Lancia and N. Palix},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of The 4th IEEE Workshop on Middleware Support for Pervasive Computing (PerWare'07)},
    OPTEDITOR = {},
    MONTH = {March},
    OPTNOTE = {},
    OPTNUMBER = {},
    PAGES = {501--506},
    PUBLISHER = {IEEE Computer Society},
    OPTSERIES = {},
    TITLE = {Ontology-Directed Generation of Frameworks For Pervasive Service Development},
    OPTVOLUME = {},
    YEAR = {2007},
    ABSTRACT = {Pervasive computing applications are tedious to develop because they combine a number of problems ranging from device heterogeneity, to middleware constraints, to lack of programming support. In this paper, we present an approach to integrating the ontological description of a pervasive computing environment into a programming language, namely Java. From this ontological description of a pervasive computing environment, a framework is automatically generated. It provides the developer with dedicated programming support to manage, discover and invoke services. Besides, it performs a number of verifications both at compile and run time, ensuring the robustness of applications. },
    DOI = {10.1109/PERCOMW.2007.91},
    ISBN = {0-7695-2788-4},
    OPTISSN = {},
    KEYWORDS = {Pervasive, Generation, Programming Framework, Middleware, DiaGen},
    URL = {},
    PDF = {},
    PS = {} 

  2. N. Palix, C. Consel, L. Réveillère, and J. Lawall. A Stepwise Approach to Developing Languages for SIP Telephony Service Creation. In Proceedings of Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, IPTComm, pages 79-88, July 2007. ACM. ISBN: 978-1-60558-006-7. Keyword(s): IP Telephony, SIP, DSL, SPL.
    Developing a SIP-based telephony service requires a pro- grammer to have expertise in telephony rules and constraints, the SIP protocol, distributed systems, and a SIP API, which is often large and complex. These requirements make the development of telephony software an overwhelming challenge. To overcome this challenge, various programming languages have been proposed to develop telephony services. Nevertheless, none of these languages as yet has a formal semantics. Therefore, the reference implementation, which may not be available, becomes the only source of information for the programmer to understand the subtleties of the language. Furthermore, this situation makes it dificult for third-party developers to port the language to another runtime system or to provide another implementation of the runtime system. This paper presents a semantics-based stepwise approach for designing and developing a scripting language dedicated to the development of telephony services. This approach enables critical properties of services to be guaranteed and captures expertise on the operational behavior of a service. We have applied this approach to developing the Session Processing Language (SPL) dedicated to SIP-based service creation. A variety of services have been written in SPL for our university department.

    OPTADDRESS = {},
    AUTHOR = {N. Palix and C. Consel and L. Réveillère and J. Lawall},
    BOOKTITLE = {Proceedings of Principles, Systems and Applications of IP Telecommunications, IPTComm},
    OPTEDITOR = {},
    MONTH = {July},
    OPTNOTE = {},
    OPTNUMBER = {},
    PAGES = {79--88},
    OPTSERIES = {},
    TITLE = {A Stepwise Approach to Developing Languages for SIP Telephony Service Creation},
    OPTVOLUME = {},
    YEAR = {2007},
    ABSTRACT = {Developing a SIP-based telephony service requires a pro- grammer to have expertise in telephony rules and constraints, the SIP protocol, distributed systems, and a SIP API, which is often large and complex. These requirements make the development of telephony software an overwhelming challenge. To overcome this challenge, various programming languages have been proposed to develop telephony services. Nevertheless, none of these languages as yet has a formal semantics. Therefore, the reference implementation, which may not be available, becomes the only source of information for the programmer to understand the subtleties of the language. Furthermore, this situation makes it dificult for third-party developers to port the language to another runtime system or to provide another implementation of the runtime system. This paper presents a semantics-based stepwise approach for designing and developing a scripting language dedicated to the development of telephony services. This approach enables critical properties of services to be guaranteed and captures expertise on the operational behavior of a service. We have applied this approach to developing the Session Processing Language (SPL) dedicated to SIP-based service creation. A variety of services have been written in SPL for our university department. },
    DOI = {10.1145/1326304.1326317},
    ISBN = {978-1-60558-006-7},
    OPTISSN = {},
    KEYWORDS = {IP Telephony, SIP, DSL, SPL},
    URL = {},
    PDF = {},
    PS = {} 



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Last modified: Wed Sep 18 15:02:32 2013
Author: npalix.

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