superman-e lion

Emmanuel Perrier

Currently doctoral student at Laboratoire d'informatique de Grenoble since 2014. I am working on network protocols and traffic analysis in the team Drakkar and on model inference and black-box testing in the team Vasco, under the supervision of Andrzej Duda, Roland Groz, Jean-Luc Richier and Gilles Berger-Sabbatel.

network protocols, traffic analysis, black-box testing, model inference.

About & Contact

One specimen of the animal kingdom among others. ┌( ಠ_ಠ)┘

  • GPG: 0xE7BA32C792768506 [ask me for fingerprint]
    X.509: certificate issued by CNRS
  • 04 76 82 72 74
  • Desk: D320 – Campus – Bat. D
  • Laboratoire LIG – Bâtiment ENSIMAG D
    681 rue de la passerelle
    38400 Saint Martin d'Hères


Currently, my main areas of interests span network protocols, traffic analysis, model inference and black-box testing. Combining those areas, I am trying to analyse and infere properties on systems and protocols from a traffic point of view.

Beyond this, I am also interested in areas such as security and cryptography/cryptanalysis, privacy, software engineering including testing and validation.


Master SCCI – Security, Cryptology and Coding of Information systems
Université Joseph Fourier & Ensimag
Cryptology Mathematics; information system security; secure protocols and infrastructures design and analysis; software and hardware implementations; coding and multimedia application; audit and forensics.
Certification ISTQB/CFTL « Test fundation »
Formation to certification « Test Manager », QuickTest Pro and Quality Center
Ingénieur ENSIIE
École nationale supérieure d'informatique pour l'industrie et l'entreprise
  • IT: theoretical foundations, techniques and practices in IT;
  • mathematics and quantitative methods: formal aspects in IT, methods and statistical tools, decision-based mathematics;
  • economy and management: leading projects, economy, management and organisation, establishing companies, finance;
  • communication, languages.


Functional validation engineer at Parrot SA Python, network, iptables, pppd, wpa-supplicant Validation of embedded software: functionality and networks security, test plan management, test automation, Python/Bash scripts.
Engineering consultant at Cognitis
Test automation engineer at BNP Paribas, Paris QuickTest Pro Dans le cadre d’une migration de système d’information, mise en place et qualification d’un outil QuickTest Pro d’injection de données.
Test automation engineer at Axa France Services, Paris Centre de prestation des tests de non-régression : étude de faisabilité, analyse et définition du périmètre des tests, élaboration des scénarii et des scripts QuickTest Pro à partir de documentation fonctionnelle et en relation avec les maitrises d’ouvrage, conduite des tests et recettes, analyse des anomalies, synthèses et reporting des résultats.
Functional validation engineer at Société Générale, Paris Coordination de la gestion des incidents de l’environnement de formation des employés réseau Société Générale. Conduite des tests et recettes.
Software test engineer at BNP Paribas Personal Finance, Paris Analyse et définition du périmètre de test, élaboration de scénarii et cas de test à partir de dossier d’analyse fonctionnelle, conduite des tests et recettes sous HP Quality Center