Vivien Quéma

Professor at Grenoble INP/ENSIMAG
Junior fellow at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)

LIG laboratory
Bâtiment IMAG - Bureau 472
700, avenue Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin d'Hères, France
Phone: +33 4 57 42 15 47


I am a Professor of Computer Science at Grenoble INP (ENSIMAG) and a member of the LIG laboratory (ERODS project). Prior to joining Grenoble INP in September 2011, I worked as a researcher at CNRS and as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Rome 1 "La Sapienza", in the MIDLAB laboratory. I also visited the LPD laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (September-November 2007), the LASR laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin (January 2010), and the LIP6-Inria Rocquencourt laboratory (January-June 2014).

I received my Ph.D. from Grenoble INP in December 2005 and my "habilitation à diriger des recherches" from Grenoble University in November 2010.

Since September 2019, I am a Junior fellow at Institut Universitaire de France.


My research is about understanding, designing, and building (distributed) systems. In particular, I am currently working on the following topics: Byzantine fault tolerance, multicore systems, P2P systems.

Publications: (all) (selected) (DBLP) (Google scholar profile)

Most significant papers:


I teach at ENSIMAG and at the University of Grenoble 1.
