echo off rem make_palm.bat rem this batch file assists in the development of the J2ME/MIDP compatible rem components of the library. rem To make this work, edit the lines for MIDP_ROOT and DEVEL_ROOT rem author : jon eaves ( set MIDP_ROOT=c:\var\j2mewtk set MIDP_CLASSES=%MIDP_ROOT%\lib\ set DEVEL_ROOT=c:\usr\devel\jon\bc\src\crypto set SRC_ROOT=%DEVEL_ROOT%\src set OUTPUT_CLASSES=%DEVEL_ROOT%\classes set PV_CLASSES=%DEVEL_ROOT%\verify set J2ME_ROOT=%DEVEL_ROOT%\j2me set APP_DIR= .\j2me\org\bouncycastle\crypto\examples\ rem Just to make it a bit easier to deal with things rem and command lines and such set PC=%MIDP_CLASSES% set OC=%OUTPUT_CLASSES% set SR=%SRC_ROOT% set JM=%J2ME_ROOT% rem Now compile the relevant classes :COMPAT echo compat rem 1. The compatibility classes for the J2ME rem 2. The base classes rem 3. The digests cd %JM% javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% java\lang\*.java java\math\*.java java\security\*.java java\io\*.java %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\*.java %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\digests\*java cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\util\encoders javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :ECMATH cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\math\ec javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :PARAMETERS echo param rem 4. The parameters cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\params javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :ENCODINGS echo encoding rem 5. The encodings cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\encodings javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java : PADDINGS echo padding cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\paddings javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :ENGINES echo engines rem 6. The engines cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\engines javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :AGREEMENT echo agreement rem 6.5 The DH agreement classes cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\agreement javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :MODES echo modes rem 7. The Modes cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\modes javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :MACS echo macs rem 8. The MACS cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\macs javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :GENERATORS echo generators rem 9. The Generators cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\generators javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :IO echo io rem 10. The IO classes are compiled cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\io javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :TESTUTIL echo test util rem 11a. The J2ME test util cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\util\test javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :ASN1 echo ASN1 cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\asn1\ javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java pkcs\*.java x509\*.java x9\*.java util\ util\ rem test\*.java util\*.java :SIGNERS echo Signers cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\signers javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :TEST echo javatest cd %SR%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\test javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java echo j2me test cd %JM%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\test javac -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% *.java :EXAMPLES echo examples cd %JM%\org\bouncycastle\crypto\examples javac -deprecation -g:none -d %OC% -classpath %OC%;%PC% -bootclasspath %PC% :VERIFY echo verify %MIDP_ROOT%\bin\preverify -d %PV_CLASSES% -classpath %PC% %OC% :JAR rem create the jar file cd %SR% cd .. jar -cfm midp_test.jar %APP_DIR%\ -C %PV_CLASSES% . :RUN echo running created example rem Test using the MIDP provided with J2ME, this is much easier than rem installing the PRC created above into a Palm. copy %APP_DIR%\midp_test.jad . %MIDP_ROOT%\bin\emulator -Xdescriptor:midp_test.jad :END cd %SR% cd ..