Deployment Unit Metadatas

Author: Didier Donsez, IMAG/LSR/ADELE
Status: Draft

This document lists a metadatas of main deployment units. It should be completed.


File: Gzipped TAR file
Language: native
Metadata Format:

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


eBuild (Gentoo)


File: ?
Language: source
Metadata Format:

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


OSGi Bundle

File: JAR (Java ARchive) file
Language: Java
Format: Java Manifest (Version: 1.0) ($JAVA_HOME/docs/guide/jar/jar.html)

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


Oxygen 0.1

Oxygen is a light-weight Service-Oriented framework. The unit of deployment

Deployment Unit Name: component
File: JAR (Java ARchive) file
Language: Java
Format: Java Manifest (Version: 1.0)

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description
Component-Activator component activator class
Component-Description a free text description of the component
Component-Name the (friendly) component name
Component-Vendor the vendor name of the component
Component-Version the version nuumber of the component
Export-Exclude com.acme.mycomp.impl.* the excluded packages (semicolon-seperated list and wildcard)

OpenWings 1.1

Framework for embedded applications

Deployment Unit Name: component
File: Jar file
Language: Java or native
Format: XML (java.beans.XMLDecoder/java.beans.XMLEncoder) class

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description

Java Applet and Application

Deployment Unit Name: ?
File: JAR (Java ARchive) file
Language: Java
Format: Java Manifest (Version: 1.0)

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description
Main-Class Specifies the main class of an application. This is used for invoking an application JAR file.
Class-Path servlet.jar infobus.jar acme/beans.jar images/ Local search path of relative JAR and directory URLs for loading classes and resources. URLs not ending in '/' are assumed to refer to JAR files.
Implementation-TitleTitle of the package
Implementation-VersionVersion number
Implementation-VendorVendors company or organization
Specification-TitleTitle of the specification
Specification-VersionVersion number
Specification-VendorVendors company or organization



Deployment Unit Name: MidLet suite ?
File: JAR (Java ARchive) file
Language: Java
Format: Java Manifest (Version: 1.0) ($JAVA_HOME/docs/guide/jar/jar.html)
Metadata MimeType: text/

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description
MIDlet-Name J2ME demonstrations name of the midlets suite
MIDlet-n MIDlet-1: Hello World, /icons/hello.png, fr.imag.adele.midlet.hello.HelloMIDlet
MIDlet-2: Http Browser,, fr.imag.adele.midlet.http.DownloadMIDlet
list the midlets :
  1. name of the midlet number #n
  2. the path of the icon in the jarfile
  3. the MIDLet class
MIDlet-Description suite of demo midlets description of the midlets suite
MIDlet-Jar-URL url of the jar file
MIDlet-Jar-Size 18345 size of the jar file
MIDlet-Vendor Didier DONSEZ the vendor of the midlet suite
MIDlet-Version 1.0.3 the version of the implementation
MicroEdition-Configuration CLDC-1.0 the version of the required Configuration. This entry is related to J2ME.
MicroEdition-Profile MIDP-2.0 the version of the required Profile. This entry is related to J2ME.
MIDlet-Install-Notify The URL to which a POST request is used to confirm successful installation of this MIDlet suite
MIDlet-Delete-Confirm message to display the user to confirm the deletion
MIDlet-Push-n MIDlet-Push-1: socket://:76, fr.imag.adele.midlet.push.PushLet, 192.161.60 enable the midlet launching on url connection:
  1. the local URL for connection
  2. the MIDLet class
  3. the IP domain of the site authorized to push the launch event


JNLP (Java Network Launching Protocol)

Deployment Unit Name: application ?
Language: Java
Format: XML

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description

J2EE deployment units (EAR, WAR, EJB JAR)

File Format: Jar File
Language: Java
Manifest Format: XML

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


.NET Assembly

Deployment Unit Name: assembly
File Format: COFF (.DLL,.EXE)
Format: XML

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


Corba Component Model

Deployment Unit Name: ?

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description


MPEG2-TS Application Table

DVB-MHP is a standard for interactive-TV applications. The code of the applications is broadcasted by a i-TV operator to millions of i-TV terminals (also called Set-Top Box) through broadcast networks (cable, sattelite, digital terrestrial television (DTT)). Language: Java, MHEG

Metadata entries

Entry Example Description
