Verification of invariance properties of infinite state systems
Automatic generation of invariants
Compositional computation of abstractions
Reachability analysis of lossy communicating systems
A very important class of properties of reactive systems consists of invariance properties which state that all reachable states of the considered system satisfy some given property. Proving invariance properties is especially crucial for infinite and large finite state systems which escape algorithmic methods. The tool box InVeSt supports the verification of invariance properties of infinite state systems. It integrates deductive and algorithmic verification principles for the verification of invariance properties as well as abstraction techniques. InVeSt uses the theorem prover PVS as an oracle for discharging automatically generated verification conditions. InVeSt contains several closely interconnected components:
"Automatic Generation of Invariants"
S. Bensalem and Y. Lakhnech
Formal Methods in System Design 15(1), 1999.
"Construction of Abstract State Graphs with PVS"
S. Graf and H. Saidi
Computer Aided Verification'97, LNCS .1254
"Computing Abstractions of Infinite State Systems Automatically
and Compositionally"
S. Bensalem, Y. Lakhnech and S. Owre
Computer Aided Verification'98, LNCS. 1427.
"InVeSt : A Tool for the Verification of Invariants"
S. Bensalem, Y. Lakhnech and S. Owre
Computer Aided Verification'98, LNCS. 1427.
"On-the-Fly Analysis of Systems with Unbounded, Lossy FIFO Channels"
P. Abdulla, A. Bouajjani and B. Jonsson
Computer Aided Verification'98, LNCS. 1427.
"Symbolic Verification of Lossy Channel Systems: Application to
the Bounded Retransmission Protocol"
P. Abdulla, A. Annichini and A. Bouajjani
TACAS'99, LNCS 1579.
InVeSt will be shortly available and distributed to academic
institutions for non-profit uses.
Contact person: S. Bensalem (