Vivien Quéma
Professor at Grenoble INP/ENSIMAG
Junior fellow at Institut Universitaire de France (IUF)
LIG laboratory
Bâtiment IMAG - Bureau 472
700, avenue Centrale
38400 Saint-Martin d'Hères, France
Phone: +33 4 57 42 15 47
Email: Vivien.Quema@imag.fr
I am a Professor of Computer Science at Grenoble INP (ENSIMAG) and a member of the LIG laboratory (ERODS project). Prior to joining Grenoble INP in September 2011, I worked as a researcher at CNRS and as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Rome 1 "La Sapienza", in the MIDLAB laboratory. I also visited the LPD laboratory at Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) (September-November 2007), the LASR laboratory at the University of Texas at Austin (January 2010), and the LIP6-Inria Rocquencourt laboratory (January-June 2014).
I received my Ph.D. from Grenoble INP in December 2005 and my "habilitation à diriger des recherches" from Grenoble University in November 2010.
Since September 2019, I am a Junior fellow at Institut Universitaire de France.
My research is about understanding, designing, and building (distributed) systems. In particular, I am currently working on the following topics: Byzantine fault tolerance, multicore systems, P2P systems.
Publications: (all) (selected) (DBLP) (Google scholar profile)
Most significant papers:
- Bandwidth-Aware Page Placement in NUMA. David Gureya, Joao Neto, Reza Karimi, Joao Barreto, Pramod Bhatotia, Vivien Quéma, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Paolo Romano, and Vladimir Vlassov. In Proceedings of International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS), May 2020.
- Lock - Unlock: Is That All? Rachid Guerraoui, Hugo Guiroux, Renaud Lachaize, Vivien Quéma, and Vasileios Trigonakis. In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (ACM TOCS), 36(1), 2019.
- Placement of Virtual Containers on NUMA systems: A Practical and Comprehensive Model. Justin Funston, Maxime Lorillère, Alexandra Fedorova, Baptiste Lepers, David Vengerov, Jean-Pierre Lozi, and Vivien Quéma. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), June 2018.
- An Interface to Implement NUMA Policies in the Xen Hypervisor. Gauthier Voron, Gaël Thomas, Vivien Quéma, and Pierre Sens. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), April 2017.
- XFT: Practical Fault Tolerance Beyond Crashes. Shengyun Liu, Paolo Viotti, Christian Cachin, Vivien Quéma, Marko Vukolić. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Savannah, GA, USA, November 2016.
- Multicore Locks: The Case Is Not Closed Yet. Hugo Guiroux, Renaud Lachaize, and Vivien Quéma. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), June 2016.
- The Linux Scheduler: A Decade of Wasted Cores. Jean-Pierre Lozi, Baptiste Lepers, Justin Funston, Fabien Gaud, Vivien Quéma, and Alexandra Fedorova. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), April 2016.
- Thread and Memory Placement on NUMA Systems: Asymmetry Matters. Baptiste Lepers, Vivien Quéma, and Alexandra Fedorova. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), June 2015 (Best Paper Award).
- The Next 700 BFT Protocols. Pierre-Louis Aublin, Rachid Guerraoui, Nikola Knezevic, Vivien Quéma, and Marko Vukolić. In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (ACM TOCS), 32(4), pp. 1-45, January 2015.
- Large Pages May Be Harmful on NUMA Systems. Fabien Gaud, Baptiste Lepers, Jérémie Decouchant, Justin Funston, Alexandra Fedorova, and Vivien Quéma. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), June 2014.
- Traffic Management: A Holistic Approach to Memory Placement on NUMA Systems. Mohammad Dashti, Alexandra Fedorova, Justin Funston, Fabien Gaud, Renaud Lachaize, Baptiste Lepers, Vivien Quéma, and Mark Roth. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Architectural Support for Programming Languages and Operating Systems (ASPLOS), Houston, USA, March 2013.
- All about Eve: Execute-Verify Replication for Multi-Core Servers. Manos Kapritsos, Yang Wang, Vivien Quéma, Allen Clement, Lorenzo Alvisi, and Mike Dahlin. In Proceedings of the Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation (OSDI), Hollywood, USA, October 2012.
- MemProf: A Memory Profiler for NUMA Multicore Systems. Renaud Lachaize, Baptiste Lepers, and Vivien Quéma. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (USENIX ATC), Boston, USA, June 2012.
- Throughput Optimal Total Order Broadcast for Cluster Environments. Rachid Guerraoui, Ron Levy, Bastian Pochon, and Vivien Quéma. In ACM Transactions on Computer Systems (ACM TOCS), 28(2), pp. 1-32, July 2010.
- The Next 700 BFT Protocols. Rachid Guerraoui, Nikola Knezevic, Vivien Quéma, and Marko Vukolić. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computer Systems (EuroSys), Paris, France, pp. 363-376, April 2010 (Best Paper Award).
I teach at ENSIMAG and at the University of Grenoble 1.