Work experience
Research and teaching assistant – Since September 2019
Research and teaching assistant at LIG (STeamer) and IUT2 Grenoble, Information-Communication and Techniques de Commercialisation departments.
PhD Student – Since October 2015
Subject Spatio-temporal modeling and management of Territorial Statistical Information, within the Web of Data Context
Project Work supported by the French region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes [grant number REGION 2015- DRH-0367].
Keywords Spatial Data Infrastructure ; Territorial Statistical Information ; Web of Data ; Spatio-Temporal Ontology ; Decision-making
Summary The aim of this PhD thesis is to publish Territorial Statistical Information (TSI) as semantic data interlinked with LOD. TSI is complex and multi-dimensional: it is both statistical and spatial information. It covers a multitude of themes and measures values on territorial units whose boundaries often evolve over time. The indicator values also change over time (e.g. evolution of the Unemployment rate) as well as the definitions, and the calculation methods dedicated to these indicators evolve in time and/or over space … Thus, in a single period of time, several definitions of the same concept coexist. Moreover, boundaries between territorial units change (e.g. some units disappear or are renamed) with administrative changes, causing ruptures in statistical time-series. Thus, official long time-series are scarcely available online, preventing territorial stakeholders to analyze indicators over a long period of time. However, time-series of such TSI are paramount. They enable analyzing a territory over a long period of time and likewise judging the effectiveness of reforms.
The aim of this research is to propose innovative ontologies and algorithms to describe and process TSI. Such works will provide the STeDI Spatial Data Infrastructure with new modules to process TSI within the Web of data and to analyze TSI through Graphical User Interface. Territorial statistical data will be interlinked over time and space and put into context through links to other data within the Web (e.g. link to DBpedia resources). This will enhance exchange and understanding of territorial statistical data as well as the understanding of their changes over time. Thus stakeholders involved in spatial planning will have mapping tools for analyzing the evolution of TSI through time. They can explore the effects of territorial reorganization in terms of redistribution of statistical data. Then, the analysis of territories through the evolution of statistics over time, within the Web of data, allows stakeholders to be aware of the impact of past policies, to understand territory at present time and then to better build the future.
Skills Web of Data (RDF, OWL, Turtle, SKOS…), Ontology modeling, geomatics
Engineer – From November 2012 to September 2015
Project ESPON M4D
Keywords spatial database, metadata, INSPIRE, long-term series, interoperability, geographic web services
Summary Since November 2012, as part of the ESPON M4D project, I have been involved in the development of an INSPIRE compliant data infrastructure ( This infrastructure is based on the INSPIRE data model extended by the STeamer team to further describe the specificities of territorial statistical data. We develop tools in JAVA, the Web Portal with JavaEE technologies and the database with the PostgreSQL-PostGIS RDBMS. To ensure the infrastructure interoperability, we develop OGC web services prototypes (CSW, WFS, WMS) thanks to open source software such as Geoserver.
Skills Software development, JAVA, JavaEE, PostgreSQL, PostGIS, Geoserver, Maven