


ATLAS Studying symbiotic scenarios linking Heritage assets and green areas to prepare Historic Cities to face Climate Changes. Funded by ANR CCH 2023 (Belmont funding with Universidad Pablo de Olavide and Ca’ Foscari University of Venice) for around 845k€ (300k€ UGA). The project runs from May 2024 to May 2027. Climate change (CC) is triggering dangerous temperature increases, floods, droughts, and fires in historic cities and their environments, which affect citizens’ and cultural heritage (CH) health. ATLAS employs interdisciplinary approaches and digital technologies for 1) modelling the scenarios of CC risks in Historic Cities, 2) managing Immovable CH and Green Infrastructure and, 3) predicting potential impacts. ATLAS tools based on satellite imagery, Geographic Information Systems, opinion of citizen managers, and human behaviour computational simulations, allow us to assess CC risk and look for the best resilience solution. UGA designs and implements an agent-based simulator to assess coordinated response strategies in the case of a forest fire in the area of Grenoble (specifically the area around the highly wooded area of the Bastille, a popular tourist attraction that is an ancient fort and cultural landmark, including several important museums.)

C2IMPRESS Co-Creative Improved Understanding and Awareness of Multi-Hazard Risks for Disaster Resilient Societies. Funded by the European Commission for €4.9 Million. The project is from October 2022 to 2025. I am a PI for UGA (consortium partner) whose role is to develop human behaviour models and agent-based simulators for crisis situations in earthquakes (In collaboration with Egaleo, Greece), flash floods and forest fires (in collaboration with Mallorca, Spain).

HIANIC – Human Inspired Autonomous Navigation In Crowds. Funded by the ANR. Principal Investigator for LIG (2018-2022). Navigating autonomous vehicles in shared spaces raises difficult challenges. The HIANIC autonomous automobile analyses its environment by detecting people, evaluating crowd flows, and recognizing typical scenarios. Models of human and crowd behaviour are required to provide the autonomous vehicle with knowledge of its environment in the present and in the near future. My role, the role of my doctoral student, Master’s student, and post-doc is to model and simulate the movement of pedestrians and their interaction with autonomous vehicles.

SWITCH – Simulate the transition of transport infrastructure to a sustainable and smart city. Funded by the ANR (2019-2023). Member. SWITCH supports decision-making for urban planning by simulating the gradual introduction of disruptive innovations in the technology, uses and behaviour of infrastructures. This requires providing a model that is able to estimate the impact of these innovations on several key indicators related to mobility, user satisfaction, user safety, economic costs, and air pollution. The approach uses an agent-based model (ABM) for citizen mobility, based on their activities, modalities and available information, and considers infrastructure and vehicles as autonomous cognitive agents. I am responsible for the WP concerning the testing and validation of the human behaviour model.

MMI-SMA-BC – Interbank Money Market, Multi-Agent System and BlockChain: towards a secure and resilient system. Funded by the ANR IDEX IRS (2019-2023). Principal Investigator for LIG (2018-2022). The market named ‘Interbank Money Market (IMM)’ is a complex and essential market for the proper functioning of the banking system and the economy of a country. The goal of the work is the design and development of tools as well as forms of secure and agile organizations that can bring more stability and resilience to the IMM system. We are interested in the role of trust between market participants, and in the market configurations and stakeholder strategies that will promote the stability of the Interbank market rate. We use an agent-based approach to model the complexity and dynamics of the IMM system. My role, and that of my PhD student, is to model and simulate interactions, based on themes such as trust and resilience.

RISK@UGA and the Risk Institute. Risk@UGA was initially funded by the IDEX CDP 2017 to 2022 and then the Risk Institute, a follow-on project, received funding from IDEX CDTools from 2022 to 2027. I am the Referent for LIG and co-responsible for a research cluster on Telluric crises and risks that uses multi-agent modelling and simulation. The RISK project aims to develop interdisciplinary and scientific innovations in the field of risk and disaster management in vulnerable regions due to a strong interdependence of human, natural or technological hazards. Through this project, we obtained both funding for a doctoral student (who worked on agent-based human behaviour modelling in earthquake situations in Beirut) and funding for a post-doctorate (who worked on agent-based human behaviour modelling in flash flood situations). This work is undertaken in collaboration with PACTE (Laboratory of Social Sciences), ISTERRE (Institute of Earth Sciences), and IGE (Laboratory of Geo-Sciences of the Environment).

Eco-SESA (Smart Energies in Districts) and The Energy Transition Observatory – OTE. Eco-SESA was initially funded by the IDEX CDP 2017 to 2022 and then OTE, a follow-on project, received funding from IDEX CDTools from 2022 to 2027. The projects aim to produce knowledge, concepts, tools and methods to think differently about the planning, management and governance of urban energy systems, as well as the design of their components. My contribution to this project concerns two lines of research: “Design of interactive systems to involve occupants of connected buildings”, and “Emerging behaviours, from individual to communities”. This involvement emerged from many discussions, internal to the project, that simulating human behaviour with multi-agent systems is a valuable tool for home energy management. My work in this project is supported by a long-term collaboration, since 2011, with the G-SCOP laboratory by the co-supervision of a doctoral student. My contribution consists of providing knowledge on how to model human behaviour, in particular by guiding a doctoral student who is working on the development of an optimization model for energy management.

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