
If you cannot find my publications on Research Gate, please feel free to email me and I will send you a copy.

Julie Dugdale, Terje Gjøsæter, Osamu Uchida. Information Technology in Disaster Risk Reduction. 8th IFIP WG 5.15 International Conference, ITDRR 2023, 706, Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-64037-7⟩.

Coates G, Dugdale J, Hanachi C. Special Issue: Simulation for crisis and disaster management. SIMULATION. 2024;100(4):333-334. doi:10.1177/00375497241235683

Maria Kabtoul, Manon Prédhumeau, Anne Spalanzani, Julie Dugdale and Philippe Martinet. “How To Evaluate the Navigation of Autonomous
Vehicles Around Pedestrians?”. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2023. DOI:10.1109/TITS.2023.332366

Sabri Ghazi, Ahmed Dib, Mohamed Said Mehdi Mendjel, Khadir Tarek, Julie Dugdale. “Ensemble learning models for the prediction of the weekly peak of PM2.5 concentration in Algiers, Algeria.” Journal of Air Pollution and Health. 08/10/2023. Volume (8) issue (3): 257-266.

Morteza Alaeddini, Julie Dugdale, Paul Reaidy, Philippe Madiès. “Exploring Credit Relationship Dynamics in an Interbank Market Benefiting from Blockchain-Based Distributed Trust: Insights from an Agent-Based Model.” In book: Advances in Social Simulation. Springer. September 2023. Pages 407-419. DOI:10.1007/978-3-031-34920-1_33

Rouba Iskandar; Bilal Al Tfaily; Cécile Cornou; Pierre-Yves Bard; Bertrand Guillier; Jacques Harb; Pascal Lacroix; Jocelyne Adjizian-Gérard; Elise Beck; Julie Dugdale; Christelle Salameh; Nada Saliba; Rita Zaarour. “Estimating urban seismic damages and debris at the building-level: Application to the city of Beirut, Lebanon”. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering. September 2023. Springer.

Rouba Iskandar, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Cécile Cornou. “Agent-based simulation of seismic crisis including human behaviour: Application to the city of Beirut, Lebanon”. Simulation: Transactions of the Society for Modeling and Simulation International. Sage. September 2023.

Ophélie Jobert, Manon Prédhumeau, and Julie Dugdale. “Modelling and simulating age-dependent pedestrian behaviours with an autonomous vehicle”. International ECMS Conference on Modelling and Simulation, Florence, Italy, June 2023.

Carole Adam, Charles Bailly, and Julie Dugdale. “Communication during bushfires, towards a serious game for a serious matter: communication during bushfires.” In Research Anthology on Managing Crisis and Risk Communications, pp. 100-130. IGI Global, 2023.

Frederick Benaben, Julie Dugdale, Elsa Negre, Mihoko Sakurai, Andrea Tapia. Introduction to the DIRECT minitrack Disaster Information, Resilience, for Emergency and Crisis Technology. HICSS2023 – 56th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 2023, Hawai, United States.

Manon Prédhumeau, Anne Spalanzani, Julie Dugdale. Pedestrian Behavior in Shared Spaces with Autonomous Vehicles: An Integrated Framework and Review. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, vol. 8, no. 1, pp. 438-457, Jan. 2023.

Cécile Cornou, Rouba Iskandar, Elise Beck, Julie Dugdale. “Simuler une crise sismique en ville en incluant le comportement humain.” INSU CNRS 2022.

Morteza Alaeddini, Julie Dugdale, Paul Reaidy, and Philippe Madiès. “Exploring Credit Relationship Dynamics in an Interbank Market Benefiting from Blockchain-based Distributed Trust: Insights from an Agent-based Model”. Social Simulation Conference 2022.

Morteza Alaeddini, Philippe Madiès, Paul J. Reaidy, and Julie Dugdale. “Interbank money market concerns and actors’ strategies—A systematic review of 21st-century literature.” Journal of Economic Surveys (2022).

Morteza Alaeddini, Philippe Madiès, Julie Dugdale, and Paul Reaidy. “Stability of the Interbank Money Market in Times of Downturn and Trust Crisis: The Intervening Role of Blockchain.” In Proceedings of 1st Conference of the Modeling Uncertainty in Social, Economic, and Environmental Sciences (MUSEES), Lyon, France. 2022.

Manon Prédhumeau, Lyuba Mancheva, L, Julie Dugdale, J. and Anne Spalanzani. Agent-Based Modeling for Predicting Pedestrian Trajectories Around an Autonomous Vehicle. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, vol. 73, April 2022.

Mahyar T. Moghaddam, Henry Muccini, Julie Dugdale, and Mikkel Baun Kjægaard. “Designing Internet of Behaviors Systems.” In 2022 IEEE 19th International Conference on Software Architecture (ICSA), pp. 124-134. IEEE, 2022.

Seif Eddine Bouziane, Julie Dugdale, and Mohamed Tarek Khadir. “Modeling renewable energy production and CO2 emissions in the region of Adrar in Algeria using LSTM neural networks.” In HICSS, pp. 1-10. 2022.

Frederick Benaben, Julie Dugdale, Elsa Negre, Mihoko Sakurai, Andrea Tapia. Introduction to the DIRECT minitrack (Disaster Information, Technology, and Resilience) in the Digital Government track. HICSS2022 – Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Jan 2022, Hawai, United States. p. 2387-2390. ⟨hal-04050557⟩

Rouba Iskandar, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Cécile Cornou. “PEERS: An integrated agent-based framework for simulating pedestrians’ earthquake evacuation”. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Virginia Tech, USA, 23-27 May, 2021.

Morteza Alaeddini, Julie Dugdale, Paul Reaidy, Philippe Madiès, and Önder Gürcan. “An agent-oriented, blockchain-based design of the interbank money market trading system.” In Agents and multi-agent systems: Technologies and applications 2021, pp. 3-16. Springer, Singapore, 2021.

Seif Eddine Bouziane, Mohamed Tarek Khadir, Julie Dugdale. “A collaborative predictive multi-agent system for forecasting carbon emissions related to energy consumption”. Multiagent and Grid Systems – An International Journal. 17, no. 1 (2021): 39-58.

Franck Sfiligoï Taillandier, Carole Adam, Frédéric Amblard, Jean-Philippe Antoni, Cédric Baudrit, Corinne Curt, Pascal Di Maiolo, Julie Dugdale, Jean-François Erdelyi, Sidi Mohammed Elachachi, Christophe Fernandez, Benoit Gaudou, Alice Jacquier, Elsy Kaddoum, Marion Lamiral, Patrick Taillandier, Thomas Thévenin and Nicolas Verstaevel. An ABM to support collective reflection on the evolution of mobility. In: GAMA days, Toulouse. 23-25 June 2021.

Manon Prédhumeau, Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale, Anne Spalanzani. An Agent-Based Model to Predict Pedestrians Trajectories with an Autonomous Vehicle in Shared Spaces. International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS 2021). 3-7 May, 2021. BEST STUDENT PAPER.

Rouba Iskandar, Elise Beck, Cécile Cornou, Jacques Harb, Julie Dugdale, Jocelyn Gérard, Stéphane Cartier. Behavioral response to a rapid onset disaster: the case of the 4th of August 2020 Beirut, Lebanon, port explosions. Seismological Society of America. April 2021.

Julie Dugdale, Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam, Henry Muccini. IoT4Emergency: Internet of Things for Emergency Management. ACM SIGSOFT Software Engineering Notes. Jan 2021, Volume 46, Issue 1.

Julie Dugdale and Vincent Lemiale. Citizens’ behaviours related to smoke in bushfires and their implications for computational models of evacuation. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 5-8, 2021, Hawaii.

Rouba Iskandar, K. Allaw, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Jocelyn Adjizian-Gérard, Cécile Cornou, Jacques Herb, P. Lacroix, N. Badaro-Saliba, Stéphane Cartier, R. Zaarour. Les espaces ouverts dans l’évacuation en situation de crise : cas des séismes à Beyrouth. Séminaire “Espaces Ouvertes”. Beyrouth, 2021.

Elise Beck, Julie Dugdale, Carole Adam, Christelle Gaïdatzis, Julius Bañgate. A methodology for co-constructing an interdisciplinary model: from model to survey, from survey to model. November 2020.

Manon Prédhumeau, Julie Dugdale, Anne Spalanzani. Modelling Social Group Behaviour in Different Crowd Contexts. Spring Simulation Conference 2020. May 2020, Virginia, USA.

Julie Dugdale, Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam, Henry Muccini. Human Behaviour Centred Design: Developing a Software System for Cultural Heritage. International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE). Seoul, South Korea. May 23-29, 2020.

Iskandar, K. Allaw, J. Dugdale, E. Beck, J. Adjizian-Gérard, C. Cornou, J. Harb, P. Lacroix, N. Badaro-Saliba, S. Cartier, R. Zaarour. Agent-based Simulation of Pedestrians’ Earthquake Evacuation; Application to Beirut, Lebanon. 17th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE). Sendai, Japan. September 2020 (Proceedings published September 2020, conference delayed until 2021).

Julie Dugdale, Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam, Henry Muccini. Agent-based Simulation for IoT Facilitated Building Evacuation. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICT-DM). Paris, December 2019. IEEE Xplore: (link is external)

Julie Dugdale, Mahyar Tourchi Moghaddam, Henry Muccini and Hrishikesh Narayanankutty. A Combined Netflow-driven and Agent-based Social Modeling Approach for Building Evacuation. International Conference on Principles and Practice of Multi-Agents Systems (PRIMA). 28-31 October 2019.

Iskandar, B. Al-Tfaily, C. Salameh, K. Allaw, C. Cornou, E. Beck, J. Dugdale, P.-Y. Bard, B. Guillier, S. Cartier, J. Gerard, J. Harb. Building damage estimation at a fine spatial scale for integrated seismic risk modeling in Beirut (Lebanon). 10th conference of the International Society for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (IDRIM). Poster. 16-18 October 2019, Nice, France. Gold Prize for the Young Scientist Award.

Iskandar, B. Al-Tfaily, C. Salameh, P.-Y. Bard, B. Guillier, C. Cornou, J. Gerard, J. Harb, E. Beck, J. Dugdale. Modélisation des dommages sisimiques à Beyrouth (Liban) combinant les comportements du sol et du bâti. 10ème Colloque National de l’AFPS. Strasbourg, 24-27 Septembre, 2019. Poster.

Manon Prédhumeau, Julie Dugdale and Anne Spalanzani. Adapting the Social Force Model for Low Density Crowds in Open Environments. Social Simulation Conference, 23-27 September 2019. Mainz, Germany.

Roman Bresson, Jacques Saraydaryan, Julie Dugdale, Anne Spalanzani. Socially Compliant Navigation in Dense Crowds. IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium (IV). June 9-12, 2019. Paris, France.

Julius Bangate, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Carole Adam. Review of Agent Based Modelling of Social Attachment in Crisis Situations.  International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. 2019 Vol. 11. Issue 1.

Linda Plotnik, S.Roxanne Hiltz, Murray Turoff, Julie Dugdale. Proposed Curriculum Guidelines for Masters Programs in EM with an IS Focus. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. 2019 Vol. 11. Issue 1.

Claudio Arbib, Davide Arcelli, Julie Dugdale, Mahyar T. Moghaddam, Henry Muccini. Real-time Emergency Response through Performant IoT Architectures. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Valencia, Spain. May, 2019.

Lyuba, Mancheva; Carole, Adam; Julie, Dugdale. Multi-agent geospatial simulation of human interactions and behaviour in bushfires. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Valencia, Spain. May, 2019.

Carole Adam, Charles Bailly, Julie Dugdale. Communication During Bushfires, Towards a Serious Game for a Serious Matter. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (IJISCRAM). Vol. 10, Issue 2. 2019.

Carole Adam, Julie Dugdale, Catherine Garbay. Multi-factor model and simulation of social cohesion and its effect on evacuation. HICSS 2019, Hawaii, January 2019.

Linda Plotnick, Roxanne Hiltz, Sukeshini Grandhi, Julie Dugdale. Real or Fake? User behavior and attitudes related to determining the veracity of social media posts. ISCRAM Asia Pacific International Conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 2018.

Antoine Flepp, Julie Dugdale, Fabrice Bourge, Tiphaine Marie-Cardot. A Method to Discover Digital Collaborative Conversations in Business Collaborations. 10th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2018)/International Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Information Retrieval (KDIR). Seville, Spain, 18-20th September 2018.

Julius Bangate, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck, Carole Adam. A Multi-agent System Approach in Evaluating Human Spatio-temporal Vulnerability to Seismic Risk using Social Attachment. In Risk Analysis XI. WIT Transactions on Engineering Sciences. WIT Press. Vol. 121, 2018. Eds. C.A. Brebbia and A. Fabbri.… (link is external)

Ghazi, Julie Dugdale and Mohamed Tarek Khadir. (2018). A Multi-Agent based Approach for Simulating the Impact of Human Behaviours on Air Pollution. Informatica, An International Journal of Computing and Informatics. Vol. 42, No.2.

A C Norris, J J Gonzalez, D T Parry, R E Scott, J Dugdale and D Khazanchi. (2018). The Role of e-Health in Disasters: A Strategy for Education, Training and Integration in Disaster Medicine.  Journal of the International Society for Telemedicine and eHealth. Vol.6 (2018).

Chahrazed Labba, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud, Julie Dugdale. (2018). A Predictive Approach for the Efficient Distribution of Agent-Based Systems on a Hybrid-Cloud. The International Journal of Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier. DOI: 10.1016/j.future.2017.10.053.

Carole Adam and Julie Dugdale. (2018). Agent-based analysis of the spread of awareness in the population in the prodromal phase of bushfires. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 3-6, 2018, Main Island, Hawaii.

Julie Dugdale, Jose J Gonzalez, Murray Turoff (Eds). Special Issue: Future Research Directions for Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Vol.9. Issue 1. 2017.

Carole Adam, Patrick Taillandier, Julie Dugdale and Benoit Gaudou. BDI vs FSM agents in Social Simulations for Raising Awareness in Disasters: A Case Study in Melbourne Bushfires. International Journal of Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Eds: Julie Dugdale, Jose J. Gonzalez and Murray Turoff. Vol 9. Issue 1. (pages 27-44), 2017.

Julius Bangate, Julie Dugdale, Elise Beck and Carole Adam. (2017). SOLACE a multi-agent model of human behaviour driven by social attachment during seismic crisis. International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Disaster Management (ICTDM2017) 11-13 December 2017. Munster, Germany. IEEE Xplore: (link is external). DOI: 10.1109/ICT-DM.2017.8275676  (link is external)

Ioannis M. Dokas, Narjès Bellamine-Ben Saoud, Julie Dugdale, Paloma Días (Eds). 2017. Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries. 4th International Conference, ISCRAM-Med. Lecture Notes in Business Processing book series (LNBIP, volume 301).

Carole Adam, Julie Dugdale, Catherine Garbay (2017). Modélisation multi-agent de la cohesion sociale en situation de crise (extended abstract). JFSMA, PFIA (Plate-forme Intelliegnce Artificielle), Caen, July 2017.

Antoine Flepp, Fabrice Bourge, Julie Dugdale and Tiphaine Marie (2017). Extraction de connaissances à partir de l’usage des outils professionnels de communication et de collaboration. RJCIA-PFIA (Plate-forme Intelliegnce Artificielle), Caen, July 2017.

Antoine Flepp, Fabrice Bourge, Julie Dugdale and Tiphaine Marie (2017). Extraction de connaissances à partir de l’usage des outils professionnels de communication et de collaboration. Conférence Nationale d’Intelligence Artificielle, 2017, No.038/200, pp. 55-60. Eds: Berger Levrault.

Maël Arnaud, Carole Adam and Julie Dugdale (2017). Les limites du BDI pour rendre compte du comportement humain en situation de crise. RJCIA-PFIA (Plate-forme Intelliegnce Artificielle), Caen, July 2017.

Tony Norris, Dave Parry, Jose J Gonzalez, Richard E Scott, Julie Dugdale and Deepak Khazanchi. (2017). The Role of e-Health in Disasters: A Road Map for Education & Training & Integration in Disaster Medicine. Disaster E-Health Workshop at International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Albi, France. 21st-24th May 2017. Poster.

Mael Arnaud, Carole Adam, Julie Dugdale (2017). The Role of Cognitive Biases in Reactions to Bushfires. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Albi, France. 21st-24th May 2017.

Julius Bangate, Julie Dugdale, Carole Adam, Elise Beck (2017) A Review on the Influence of Social Attachment on Human Mobility during Crisis. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Albi, France. 21st-24th May, 2017.

Linda Plotnik, Murray Turoff, S. Roxanne Hiltz, Julie Dugdale (2017). Thumbs Up? Attitudes of Emergency Managers to Proposed Masters Programs in EM with an IS Focus. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). Albi, France. 21st-24th May, 2017.

Carole Adam, Patrick Taillandier, Julie Dugdale (2017). Comparing Agent Architectures in Social Simulation: BDI Agents versus Finite-State Machines. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 4-7, 2017, Main Island, Hawaii.

Julie Dugdale, Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud, Fedia Zouai, Bernard Pavard. Coupling agent based simulation with dynamic networks analysis to study the emergence of mutual knowledge as a percolation phenomenon. (2016). Journal of Systems Science and Complexity (JSSC) 29(5), pages 1358-1381. DOI: 10.1007/s11424-016-4298-y.

Paloma Diaz, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud, Julie Dugdale, Chihab Hanachi (Eds.) (2016). Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Vol. 265. Springer.

Carole Adam, Geoffrey Danet, John Thangarajah and Julie Dugdale (2016) BDI modelling and simulation of human behaviours in bushfires. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM-MED 2016). Madrid, October 26-28, 2016. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Vol. 265. Springer.

Lauren Thévin, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier, Catherine Garbay (2016) Evaluating plans and human response using a normative multi-agent system. International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2016). May 22-25, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale (2016) Understanding communications in medical emergency situations. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 5-8, 2016 Kauai, Hawaii.

Sabri Ghazi, Julie Dugdale, Tarek Khadir (2016) Modelling air pollution crises using multi-agent simulation. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 5-8, 2016 Kauai, Hawaii. IEEE Xplore. Print ISSN: 1530-1605. DOI 10.1109/HICSS.2016.29 (link is external)

Julie Dugdale, Jose J. Gonzalez, Murray Turoff, “Introduction to the Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management Minitrack”, 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), vol. 00, no. , pp. 114-115, 2016, doi:10.1109/HICSS.2016.22

Lauren Thévin, Fabien Badeig, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier and Catherine Garbay. (2015). Un système multi-agent normatif hybride pour l’interaction mixte : application à la gestion de crises. Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA). Vol. 29. No.3-4, 2015.

Sabri Ghazi, Julie Dugdale, Tarek Khadir (2015) Modelling PM10 crisis peaks using multi-agent based simulation: application to Annaba City, North-East Algeria. Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries (ISCRAM MED). 28-30 October 2015, Tunis, Tunisia. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Vol. 233. Springer. Bellamine Ben Saoud, Narjès, Adam, Carole, Hanachi, Chihab (Eds.) 2015

Carole Adam, Elise Beck, Julie Dugdale. Modelling the tactical behaviour of the Australian population in a bushfire. Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries (ISCRAM MED). 28-30 October 2015, Tunis, Tunisia. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Vol. 233. Springer. Bellamine Ben Saoud, Narjès, Adam, Carole, Hanachi, Chihab (Eds.) 2015

Ayesha Kashif, Stephane Ploix, Julie Dugdale. Building Energy Co-Simulations: Assessing energy strategies in Active Buildings considering human behaviour. International Symposium on Sustainable Human-Building Ecosystems (ISSHBE), Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. October 5-7, 2015.

Webersik Christian, Gonzalez Jose J, Dugdale Julie, Munkvold Bjørn Erik, Granmo Ole-Christoffer. (2015) Towards an integrated approach to emergency management: interdisciplinary challenges for research and practice (2015). (link is external) Culture Unbound. Journal of Current Cultural Research (link is external). Volume 7. Theme 3. ISSN 2000-1525. DOI: 10.3384/cu.2000.1525.1573

Ayesha Kashif, Stephane Ploix, Julie Dugdale, Patrick Reignier, Muhammad Kashif Shahzad. (2015) Virtual Simulation with Real Occupants using Serious Games. 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. December 2015, Hyderabad, India.

Khadija Tijani, Dung Ngo Quoc, Stéphane Ploix, Benjamin Haas, Julie Dugdale. (2015) Dynamic Bayesian Networks to simulate occupant behaviours in office buildings related to indoor air quality. 14th International Conference of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. December 2015, Hyderabad, India.

Chahrazed Labba, Narjes Bellamine Ben Saoud, Julie Dugdale. (2015) Towards a Conceptual Framework to support Adaptative Agent-Based Systems Partitioning. The 16th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Software Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, Networking and Parallel/Distributed Computing (SNPD). 1-3 June, Takamatsu, Japan.

Ayesha Kashif, Julie Dugdale, Stephane Ploix, Patrick Reignier. (2015) Energy Management in Buildings using Serious Games. L’atelier Jeux Video et IA de la Plate-forme Intelligence Artficielle (PFIA), 29 juin au 3 juillet, Rennes, France.

Carole Adam, Elise Beck, Julie Dugdale. (2015) Modélisation du comportement tactique de la population australienne dans un feu de brousse. 1ère conférence sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artficielle (APIA) de la Plate-forme Intelligence Artficielle (PFIA), 29 juin au 3 juillet, Rennes, France.

Tijani, Khadija., Quoc Dung Ngo., Ploix, Stéphane., Haas,Benjamin., Dugdale, Julie. (2015) Towards a general framework for observation and knowledge based model of occupant behaviour in office buildings. 6th International Conference of the International Building Physics Conference (IBPC). 14-17 June 2015, Turin, Italy.

Carole Adam, Elise Beck, J. Dugdale (2015). SWIFT: simulations with intelligence for fire training. Poster. In L. Palen, M. Buscher, T. Comes and A. Hughes, eds. ISCRAM 2015. Kristiansand, Norway. ISSN: 2411-3387. ISBN: 978-82-7117-788-1.

Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale (2015) The design of an agent based model of human activities and communications in cardiac resuscitation. Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS). January 5-8, 2015 Kauai, Hawaii.

Jose J. Gonzalez, Murray Turoff, Julie Dugdale, “Introduction to Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management Minitrack”, 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), vol. 00, no. , pp. 141-142, 2015, doi:10.1109/HICSS.2015.648

Elise Beck, Julie Dugdale, Hong Van Truong, Carole Adam and Ludvina Colbeau-Justin. (2014) Crisis mobility of pedestrians: from survey to modelling, lessons from Lebanon and Argentina. Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management in Mediterranean Countries. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. Volume 196, 2014, pp 57-70. Springer.

Jaziar Radianti, Ole-Christoffer Granmo, Parvaneh Sarshar, Morten Goodwin, Julie Dugdale, and Jose J. Gonzalez. A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Model of Hazard- and Crowd Dynamics for Evacuation Planning in Disasters. Applied Intelligence. September 2014.… (link is external)

Lauren Thévin, Fabien Badeig, Julie Dugdale, Olivier Boissier and Catherine Garbay. (2014) Un système multi-agent normatif pour la collaboration et l’interaction mixte. Journées Francophones sur les Systèmes Multi-Agents (JFSMA). Loriol-sur-Drôme, 8-10 October, 2014.

Magdalena Borys, Sybille Caffiau, Julie Dugdale, Maciej Laskowski, Sergio Lujan Mora, Brigitte Meillon, Marek Milosz, Malgorzata Plechawska-Wojcik. (2014) From e-learning to MOOC – the AUKEE project case study.  International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EduLearn 2014). Barcelona, Spain.

Thévin, F. Badeig, J. Dugdale, O. Boissier and C. Garbay. (2014) Rendre tangible des normes de collaboration par un système multi-agent normatif. RJCIA 2014 (Rencontres des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle). 30 June-1 July, Rouen, France.

Tijani., A. Kashif., S. Ploix., B. Haas., J. Dugdale., Q-D. Ngo. (2014) Comparison between purely statistical and multi-agent based approaches for occupant behaviour modeling in buildings. IBPSA. Conference Francophone of the International Building Performance Simulation Association. 20-21 May, 2014. Arras, France.

Radianti., J.Dugdale., J. J. Gonzalez., O-C Granmo (2014). Smartphone sensing platform for emergency management. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM2014, Penn State, USA.

Ghazi, T. Khadir, J. Dugdale. (2014) Multi-Agent based Simulation of Environmental Pollution Issues: a Review. Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (PAAMS), Salamanca. 4-6 June 2014. In Highlights of Practical Applications of Heterogeneous Multi-Agent Systems.  Springer International Publishing, (2014). pp. 13-21.

Dugdale (2013). Human behaviour modelling in complex socio-technical systems; HDR (Habilitation à diriger des recherches). University Joseph Fourier.

H.V. Truong., E. Beck., J. Dugdale., C. Adam. (2013). Developing a model of evacuation after an earthquake in Lebanon. In Proc. ISCRAM Vietnam 2013. Oct 30-Nov 1. Hanoi, Vietnam.

Benkaouar, J. Dugdale, S. Pesty (2013). Modelling interactions in a mixed agent world. In Proceeding of 25th European Modeling and Simulation Symposium (EMSS). Sept 23-25, Athens, Greece.

Triki, N. Bellamine Ben-Saoud, J. Dugdale, C. Hanachi. Coupling case based reasoning and process mining for a web based crisis management decision support system. 22nd IEEE International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Infrastructure (WETICE 2013). IEEE Xplore: (link is external)

Granmo, Ole-Christoffer; Radianti, Jaziar; Goodwin, Morten; Dugdale, Julie; Sarshar, Parvaneh; Glimsdal, Sondre; Gonzalez, Jose J. A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Model of Hazard and Crowd Dynamics in Disasters for Evacuation Planning. I: Recent Trends in Applied Artificial Intelligence. Springer 2013 ISBN 978-3-642-38576-6. p. 63-72

Kashif, J. Dugdale, S. Ploix. Simulating occupants’ behavior for energy waste reduction in dwellings: A multi-agent methodology. (2013). Advances in Complex Systems. Volume 16 (2013), No. 2. Year 2013 pp. 1350022-1-1350022-37.

O-C Granmo, J. Radianti, M. Goodwin, J.Dugdale, P. Sarshar, S. Glimsdal and J. J. Gonzalez. (2013). A Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Model of Hazard and Crowd Dynamics in Disasters for Evacuation Planning. 26th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, IEA/AIE 2013, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 17-21, 2013. Proceedings Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 7906.Ali, M.; Bosse, T.; Hindriks, K.V.; Hoogendoorn, M.; Jonker, C.M.; Treur, J. (Eds.). Springer.

Kashif, S. Ploix. J. Dugdale, X.H. Binh Le. Simulating the dynamics of occupant behaviour for power management in residential buildings. Energy and Buildings, International Journal. Volume 56, January 2013, Pages 85–93

Van de Walle and J. Dugdale. Information Management and Humanitarian Relief Coordination: Findings from the Haiti Earthquake Response (2012). International Journal of Business Continuity and Risk Management, 2012 Vol.3, No.4, pp.278 – 305

Kashif, J. Dugdale, S. Ploix. An agent based approach to find high energy consuming activities. International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ICAI), Las Vegas, USA, July 2012.

Dugdale, C. Masclet, M.A. Grasso, J-F. Boujut, P. Hassanaly (Eds). From Research to Practice in the Design of Cooperative Systems. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (link is external)(2012). Springer

J.J. Gonzalez, O-C. Granmo, B.J. Munkvold, F. Y. Li, J. Dugdale. (2012). Multidisciplinary Challenges in an Integrated Emergency Management Approach. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management ISCRAM2012, Vancouver, Canada (Eds. L. Rothkrantz, J. Ristvej and Z. Franco, 2012).

Dugdale, B, Van de Walle, C. Koeppinghoff. Social Media and SMS in the Haiti Earthquake. Social Web for Disaster Management Workshop. International WWW 2012 Conference. Lyon, France. April 2012.

Kashif, S. Ploix, J. Dugdale (2012). User Behaviour Modelling and Simulation for Energy Management in Domestic Settings. Poster, Simurex (Conception Optimisée du batiment par la simulation et le retour d’expérience), May, Corsica. 2012.

Christian Webersik, Gonzalez, Jose J., Munkvold, Bjørn Erik, Dugdale, Julie, Granmo, Ole-Christoffer, and Frank Yong Li (2012) The Role of ICT in Crisis Preparedness, Response and Recovery. 53rd Annual International Studies Association Convention, San Diego, USA, 1-4 April 2012.

Amblard, F., Dugdale, J., (eds.), Simulation Sociale Orientee Agent, Special issue of the Revue d’Intelligence Artificielle (RIA) (link is external), vol.25, issue 1, 2011.

Kashif, X. H. Binh Le, J. Dugdale and S. Ploix Agent based framework to simulate inhabitants’ behaviour in domestic settings for energy management. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence (ICAART 2011), Rome, Italy, January 2011.

Binh Le, A. Kashif, S. Ploix, J. Dugdale, M. Di Mascolo and S. Abras Simulating inhabitant behaviour to manage energy at home. In IBPSA (International Building Performance Simulation Association) Conference, Moret-sur-Loing, France, November 2010.

Dugdale, N. Bellamine-Ben Saoud, B. Pavard and N. Pallamin. Simulation and Emergency Management. In Information Systems for Emergency Management. Series: Advances in Management Information Systems. (2010) Editors: B. Van de Walle, M. Turoff and S.R. Hiltz. Publishers: Sharp.

Lacomme, Y. Demazeau and J. Dugdale CLIC: an agent-based interactive and autonomous piece of art. In 8th International Conference on Practical Applications of Agents and Multi-Agent Systems, PAAMS’10, AISC 70, pp. 25-34, Springer Verlag, Salamanca, April 2010.

A.C.R. Costa, G.P. Dimuro, J. Dugdale and Y. Demazeau A Formal Notion of Objective Expectations in the Context of Multiagent Systems Routines. In: L. S. Lopes, N. Lau, P. Mariano and L. M. Rocha (eds.). New Trends in Artificial Intelligence, 14th Portuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2009, Aveiro, Portugal, October 12-15, 2009. p.367-278.

Salembier, J. Dugdale, M. Frejus and Y. Haradji A descriptive model of contextual activities for the design of domestic situations. In Proceedings of European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, ECCE 2009. 30 September – 2 October 2009. Helsinki, Finland.

Losch, J.Dugdale and Yves Demazeau. Requirements for Supporting Individual Human Creativity in the Design Domain. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Entertainment Computing, ICEC’09. LNCS 5709, pp.210-215, Natkin and Dupire eds. Springer-Verlag, Paris, September 2009.

Pavard, J. Dugdale, N. Bellamine-Ben Saoud, S. Darcy, and P. Salembier. Conception de systemes socio-techniques robustes. In La securite en action. 2009. Eds: G. de Terssac, I. Boissieres et I. Gaillard. Editions Octares.

Dugdale. (2009). Review of Pentland, (Sandy) Alex. Honest Signals: How They Shape Our World (Bradford Books). Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 12(2). (link is external)

Dugdale, N and B. Pavard. Robustness and resilience in the design of emergency management systems. In Natural hazards and risk reduction in Europe – from Science to Practice. 2009. Editors: J. Schanze, N. Bischof, H. Modaressi, J.M. Jacques, G. Eftichidis. Publishers: Springer, Berlin.

Dugdale. Preface. CASCOM: Intelligent Service Coordination in the Semantic Web. (link is external) By M. Schumacher, H. Heikki and H. Schuldt (Eds.). In Whitestein Series in Software Agent Technologies and Autonomic Computing. Publishers: Birkhauser. 2008. Preface.

Pavard, J. Dugdale, N. Bellamine-Ben Saoud, S. Darcy and P. Salembier. Underlying concepts in robustness and resilience and their use in designing socio-technical systems. In Remaining Sensitive to the Possibility of Failure. Editors: E. Hollnagel, C. Nemeth, S. Dekker. Publishers: Ashgate. 2008.

Pavard and J. Dugdale. The contribution of complexity theory to the study of socio-technical systems. In Unifying Themes in Complex Systems. Editors: Ali A. Minai and Yaneer Bar-Yam. Publishers: Springer. 2006.

Bellamine-Ben Saoud, T. Ben Mena, J. Dugdale, B. Pavard and M. Ben Ahmed. Assessing large scale emergency rescue plans: an agent based Approach. Special Issue on Emergency Management Systems. International Journal of Intelligent Control and Systems. Vol. 11, No. 4, Dec. 2006. 260-271.

Dugdale, N. Pallamin and B. Pavard. An assessment of a mixed reality environment: towards an ethnomethodological approach. Simulation and Gaming. Vol. 37. No. 2, June 2006 1-19. Sage Publications, USA.

Dugdale, S. Darcy and B. Pavard. Engineering effective cooperation and communication: a bottom-up approach. International Journal of Emergency Management. Vol. 3, No. 1. Inderscience. 2006.

J.F. Boujut and J. Dugdale. Design of a 3D annotation tool for supporting evaluation activities in engineering design. In Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems. (COOP2006), 2006. Provence, France.

Pavard, J. Dugdale, N. Bellamine-Ben Saoud, S. Darcy and P. Salembier. Design of robust socio-technical systems. In Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Resilience Engineering. 2006, 9-10 November. Cannes, France.

Gonzalez, J. Lluis de la Rosa, J. Dugdale, B. Pavard, M. El Jed, N. Pallamin, C. Angulo, and M. Klann. Towards Ambient Recommender Systems: Results of New Cross-disciplinary Trends. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Workshop on Recommender Systems, 2006, 28 August – 01 September 01. Riva del Garda, Italy.

Bellamine-Ben Saoud, B. Pavard, J. Dugdale, T. Ben Mena and Ben Ahmed. An agent-based testbed for simulating large scale accident rescue heuristics. Journal of Computer Science, April 15, 21-26 Science Publications. New York. 2005.

Dugdale and P. Salembier. An analysis of empirical studies of domestic activities – Descriptive framework and context modelling. 2005. Internal Report EDF-IRIT.

Dugdale. Issues in designing usable interfaces for educational software. In Proceedings of the Internet Based Control Education conference (IBCE04), Grenoble, France, September 2004.

El Jed, N. Pallamin, J. Dugdale and B. Pavard. Modelling character emotion in an interactive virtual environment. In Proceedings of the Convention on Artificial Intelligence and the Simulation of Behaviour: Motion, Emotion and Cognition (AISB). Leeds, UK. 29 March–1 April 2004.

Dugdale, S. Darcy and B. Pavard. Towards a bottom-up approach to crisis management. In Proceedings of the International Workshop: Future crises, future agendas. An assessment of international crisis research. Sophia Antipolis, France. November 24-26 2004.

Dugdale, B. Pavard, N. Pallamin and M. El Jed. Emergency Fire Incident Training in a Virtual World. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2004). 3-4 May 2004.

Bellamine-Ben Saoud, J. Dugdale, B. Pavard and M. Ben Ahmed. Towards planning for Emergency Activities in Large-Scale Accidents: An Interactive and Generic Agent-Based simulator. In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM 2004). 3-4 May 2004.

Darcy S, J. Dugdale, M. El-Jed, N. Pallamin and B. Pavard. Virtual storytelling: a methodology for developing believable communication skills in virtual characters. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Virtual Storytelling, Toulouse, France. November 20-21, 2003.

Bellamine-Ben Saoud, S. Darcy, J. Dugdale, B. Pavard and M. Ben Ahmed. Simulation multi-agents de situation de secours d’urgence. In Proceedings of the 10th Journees Francophones d’Informatique Medicale. Tunis 4 – 5 September 2003.

Darcy, J. Dugdale and B. Pavard. NETcrise: local network for emergency situations. Poster for Complexity in Social Science ~ COSI ~ Summer School 27 July – 1 August 2003. Baeza, Spain.

Darcy, J. Dugdale, M. El-Jed, N. Pallamin and B. Pavard. Virtual Reality training environment for the management of a cooperative emergency situation. Poster for Complexity in Social Science ~ COSI ~ Summer School 27 July – 1 August 2003. Baeza, Spain.

Pavard and J. Dugdale. From Representational intelligence to contextual intelligence in the simulation of complex social systems. In Proceedings of the International Conference on the Computational analysis of social and organizational systems (CASOS2002). Pittsburgh. USA. June 21-23 2002.

Darcy, J. Dugdale, N. Pallamin and B. Pavard. Simulation en situation naturelle et realite virtuelle: Deux approches complementaires pour la conception de systemes cooperatifs en situation d’urgence medicale. In Proceedings of Ergonomie et Informatique Avancée (ERGO IA’2002). Biarritz, France. 8 – 10 October 2002.

Dugdale and B. Pavard. (2001) Introduction to Complexity: complex systems theory and social science. Assimilation of the Complexity Paradigm. Internet Based Tutorial (link is external)

Dugdale. (2001) Evaluation of software Simulation tools. Internet Based Report (link is external)

Dugdale, B. Pavard and J. L. Soubie. A Pragmatic Development of a Computer Simulation of an Emergency Call Centre. In Designing Cooperative Systems. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications. Editors: Rose Dieng et al. IOS Press.

Pavard and J. Dugdale. The contribution of complexity theory to the study of socio-technical systems. In the InterJournal of Complex Systems, 335. New England Complex Systems Institute, Cambridge, MA, USA.

Dugdale and B. Pavard. The Application of a Cognitive Engineering Methodology to Agent-based Simulation in the Social Sciences. In the Proceedings of Agent-Based Simulation Workshop. May 2-3, 2000. Passau, Germany.

Dugdale, B. Pavard and J. L. Soubie. Design Issues in the Simulation of an Emergency Call Centre. In Proceedings of the 13th European Simulation Multiconference (ESM 99). June 1-4, 1999. Warsaw, Pologne.

Dugdale. An Approach for Evaluating a Cooperative Problem-solving System. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP’98). May 1998. Cannes, France.

Dugdale. Cooperative problem-solving using assumption-based truth maintenance. In Proceedings of the Second International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems (COOP’96). May 1996. Juan-les-Pins, France.

Dugdale. A Cooperative problem-solver for Investment Management. In the International Journal of Information Management. Vol. 16, Number 2, April 1996. Pergamon.



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