It is a Cessna 172SP aircraft simulator with classic or G1000
instrument panel. It was designed with, in mind, the analysis of
instruments readings by pilots. So, the simulator was literally
«built around» a Tobii 1750 eye-tracker.
The simulator has an external view composed of three 20"
screens, and a central instrument panel composed of a single 17"
screen (a Tobii 1750 eye-tracker). The simulation software is
Microsoft Flight Simulator X, and a set of Saitek Flight Pro
devices are used to simulate physical flight controls. A black
canopy can be added on top of the simulator in order to increase
pilots’ feeling of immersion, and to reduce infrared
interference for the eye-tracker.
This simulator is an element of a versatile platform for
research on technology enhanced learning environments. It
features a real-time data collection system that sends on a
network bus pilot’s instruments readings, pilot’s actions, and
all technical parameters of the simulated aircraft. Depending on
the research questions, different algorithms are then used to
analyze, in real-time, the data.
I designed this simulator and created add-on analysis softwares
for the