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My Breif Biography

I completed my four year B.Sc program at Iran University of Science and Technology(IUST), Tehran, Iran. I was graduated in September 2000 with a degree in Computer Engineering (Software). Most of my scientific activities during B.Sc were in the field of Application programming and Algorithm design.

I have completed my two year M.Sc program at Sharif University of Technology (SUT), Tehran, Iran. I was graduated in January 2003 with a degree in Computer Engineering (Software). During my master’s course work, I took courses in different areas of computer science including Distributed Systems, Distributed Operating Systems, Software Engineering, Programs Specification and Verification and Analysis and Modeling of Computer Networks. During my M.Sc degree I joined a group of graduate and postgraduate students developing a firewall system in Network Security Lab of SUT university. My work covered design and implementation of security policy component and URL categorizer for the firewall under development. I also did my M.Sc Thesis on High Availability in Firewalls through Replication.

After graduation I joined Sharif Secure Ware Company, in which I continued my primary interest: Network Security. I was a faculty member of Dezful University from September 2003 for one year. I thought several courses , among them: Computer Networks, Internet Engineering and Operating Systems, Computer Graphics.

In the past, my work has been generally in the area of Network Security. The experiences I had in this area dealt with various practical and theoretical aspects of this field. This has given me a good background in issues related to Computer Networks, Network Programming, Kernel Programming and Operating Systems in general.

I started my PhD in March 2005 at INPG(Institute nationale polytechnic de grenoble) in south of France under direction of Andrez Duda and Martin Heusse. For more about my PhD thesis you can take a look at here. I defenced my PhD the 24th Neovember 2008 and Now I am a post-doc researcher in the same laboratory. This biblio should be revised!