

Cursus Scolaire

         Ecole d’ingénieur ENSC 2010-2013

         Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Cognitique (ENSC), Institut Polytechnique de Bordeaux         (33, France)

         2ième major de promotion

         Programme d’échange en Génie Logiciel 2011-2012

         2° Année de l’ENSC à l’Université Laval (Québec, QC, Canada)

         Licence STS mention MASS parcours Sciences Cognitives 2007-2010

         Sciences, Technologies et Santé, mention Mathématiques Appliquées et Sciences Sociales parcours Sciences Cognitives, Université Bordeaux 2 (33, France)

Monde de l’entreprise

         RATP Accessibilité Handicap 6 mois 2013

         Modèle de conception pour rendre accessible les transports en commun parisiens, Paris         (75,France)

         Thales Avionics Interface Personne – Machine 3 mois 2012

         Maquettage d’une interface pour l’anticipation dans les cockpits d’avions de ligne,                         Bordeaux (33, France)

         ASTRIUM-EADS Sécurité Informatique et de l’Information 3 mois 2011

         Organisation d’une campagne de sensibilisation orientée Utilisateur, BAC+3, Saint Médard         (33, France)

         EIRL Lauren Thévin 2010

         Entreprise unipersonnelle, commerce ambulant d’articles d’été (toute la France)


         Danse de couple, longboard, dessin, peinture, arts plastiques, voyage (Europe, USA, Canada, Cuba)



         Master of Cognitive Engineering ENSC 2010-2013

         Superior National School of Cognitics – Bordeaux Polytechnic Institute (Bordeaux, France)

         2nd best graduating student

         Software engineering exchange program with Canada 2011-2012

         2° year in ENSC at Laval University (Québec, QC, Canada)

         Bachelor STH – AMSS, specialization in cognitive sciences 2007-2010

         Sciences, Technologies and Health, majoring in Applied Mathematics for Social Sciences         with a specialization in theoretical cognitive sciences, Bordeaux 2 University,( Bordeaux,         France)

Work Experience

         RATP GROUP — Handicap Accessibility 6 months 2013

         Creation of a method with the aim to design easily accessible Parisian public                                  transportation for people with disability, (Paris, France)

         Thales Avionics — Human–Machine Interface 3 months 2012

         Design of a cockpit for future civil aviation, tactile screen interfaces, Creation of prototypes         within the scope of HEAL Research Group belonging to the European civil cockpit project         (Bordeaux, France)

         ASTRIUM-EADS — Information Security 3 months 2011

         Organization of a sensitization campaign for IT security, (Saint Médard en Jalles 33,                 France)

         EIRL Lauren Thévin 2010

         Itinerant Trader (single person company), administrative, financial and organizational                 issues, e.g. seeking for customers, marketplaces and trading and purchasing opportunities         (all over France)


         Latin Dances, Longboard, Drawing/Art, Travel (Europe, USA, Canada, Cuba)
