IOCCC 2019: I got a new winning entry!

Those of you who follow the The International Obfuscated C Code Contest (IOCCC) may have noticed I got a winning entry this year.

For now, only the list of winners is published. There will be a review phase between winners before programs are published.

I actually proposed two programs, but only one made it. I will probably improve the other one for the next IOCCC contest.

Nevertheless this is my second winning entry since I got a first one in 2015. You can get more info about it here, and, if you can read french, you can get even more interesting details.

Etienne Dublé

Etienne Dublé
IT Research Engineer, currently working for the CNRS at LIG lab, Grenoble, France.

How to build a custom (e.g. 32-bit) live ubuntu easily.

*If you don't mind about the story behind this, you can scroll down to the section with command lines!*# IntroductionI bought a [Mac Mini...… Continue reading