Chapitres de livre

  • Camille Bernard, Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hy Dao, Semantic graphs to reflect the evolution of geographic divisions, in “Handbook of of Big Geospatial Data”, Edited by M. Werner and Y.Y. Chiang, Springer, 2021.
  • Marlène Villanova-Oliver, David Noël, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Le Quéau, A framework for describing and analyzing life course trajectories: taking a step towards studying residential migration factors, in “Local resources, territorial development and well-being”, Edited by J.-C. Dissart and N. Seigneuret, pp 204-226, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2020.
  • Gilles Pison, Hélène Mathian, Christine Plumejeaud, Jérôme Gensel, Explorer la dynamique démographique mondiale sur le Web, Fonder les siences du territoire, sous la direction de P. Beckouche, C. Grasland, F. Guérin-Pace, J-Y Moisseron, pp 171-184, Editions Karthala (Paris), 2012.
  • Ronan Ysebaert, Nicolas Lambert, Claude Grasland, Benoit Le Rubrus, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Christine Plumejeaud : HyperAtlas, un outil scientifique au service du débat politique – Application à la politique de cohésion de l’Union Européenne, Fonder les siences du territoire, sous la direction de P. Beckouche, C. Grasland, F. Guérin-Pace, J-Y Moisseron, pp 243-266, Editions Karthala (Paris), 2012.
  • Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver: Semantic Analysis for the Geospatial Web, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 292, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, Pages 287-306, 2010.
  • Sandro Bimonte, M. Villanova-Oliver, J. Gensel. A Multidimensional Model for Correct Aggregation of Geographic Measures. Evolving Application Domains of Data Warehousing and Mining: Trends and Solutions. IGI Global, 2010, 162-183 p.
  • Christine Plumejeaud, Bogdan Moisuc, Sandro Bimonte, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, An Object-Oriented Model for the Sustainable Management of Evolving Spatio-Temporal Information In: Geocomputation and Urban Planning edited by Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Borruso, Alessandra Lapucci. Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol. 176, Springer, 2009.
  • Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin,, «Relazioni Spaziali Qualitative per il Web Semantico», Chapitre dans L’informazione geografica a supporto della pianificazione territorial. Chapitre 13, pp 254-263, 2008.
  • Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Yolande Berbers, Collaborating Agents for Adaptation to Mobile Users. Chapter in Collaborative and Social Information Retrieval and Access: Techniques for Improved User Modeling (IGI Global), 2009.
  • Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Indexing 3D scenes, in Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Editor-in-Chief: Borko Furht, Springer 2005.
  • Philippe Mulhem, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin,  Adaptive video summarization, Chapter 11, The Handbook of Video Databases Design and Applications, Editors-in-chief: Borko Furht and Oge Marques, pp 279-298, CRC Press, 2003.
  • Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Mulhem and Hervé Martin, An Object Approach for Web Multimedia Presentations, in Multimedia Mining: A Highway to Intelligent Multimedia Documents, edited by Chabane Djeraba, book Series: Multimedia Systems and Applications : Volume 22,     Chapter 8, pp 161-177, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
  • Jérôme Gensel, Objets et Contraintes, Editors: Roland Ducournau, Jérôme Euzenat, Gérald Masini and Amedeo Napoli, Langages et modèles à  objets. INRIA, Collection Didactique (19). Chapter 9, pp 257-289, 1998 (in French).
  • Jérôme Gensel, Integrating Constraints in an Object-Based Knowledge Representation System, Constraint Processing, Editor: Manfred Meyer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 923, pp 67-77, 1995.


  • Gilles Pison, Hélène Mathian, Christine Plumejeaud, Jérôme Gensel, Explore the world population dynamics on the Web, Basing siences territory, under the direction of P. Beckouche, C. Grassland, F. Guérin-Pace, J-Y Moisseron, pp 171-184, Editions Karthala (Paris), 2012.
  • Ronan Ysebaert, Nicolas Lambert, Claude Grasland, Benoit Le Rubrus, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Christine Plumejeaud : HyperAtlas, a scientific tool for political debate – Application to the cohesion policy of the European Union, Basing siences territory, under the direction of P. Beckouche, C. Grassland, F. Guérin-Pace, J-Y Moisseron, pp 243-266, Editions Karthala (Paris), 2012.
  • Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver: Semantic Analysis for the Geospatial Web, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Volume 292, Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management, Pages 287-306, 2010.
  • Sandro Bimonte, M. Villanova-Oliver, J. Gensel. A Multidimensional Model for Correct Aggregation of Geographic Measures. Evolving Application Domains of Data Warehousing and Mining: Trends and Solutions. IGI Global, 2010, 162-183 p.
  • Christine Plumejeaud, Bogdan Moisuc, Sandro Bimonte, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, An Object-Oriented Model for the Sustainable Management of Evolving Spatio-Temporal Information In: Geocomputation and Urban Planning edited by Beniamino Murgante, Giuseppe Borruso, Alessandra Lapucci. Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Flight. 176, Jumper, 2009.
  • Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin,, “Qualitative Spatial Relations for the Semantic Web”, Chapitre dans The geographic information in support of territorial planning. Chapter 13, pp 254-263, 2008.
  • Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Yolande Berbers, Collaborating Agents for Adaptation to Mobile Users. Chapter in Collaborative and Social Information Retrieval and Access: Techniques for Improved User Modeling (IGI Global). To appear in 2009.
  • John Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Indexing 3D scenes, in Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Editor-in-Chief: Borko Furht, Jumper 2005.
  • Philippe Mulhem, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Adaptive video summarization, Chapter 11, The Handbook of Video Databases Design and Applications, Editors-in-chief: Borko Furht and Oge Marques, pp 279-298, CRC Press, 2003.
  • Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Mulhem and Hervé Martin, An Object Approach for Web Multimedia Presentations, in Multimedia Mining: A Highway to Intelligent Multimedia Documents, edited by Chabane Djeraba, book Series: Multimedia Systems and Applications : Volume 22, Chapter 8, pp 161-177, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2002.
  • Jérôme Gensel, Objects and Constraints, Editors: Roland Ducournau, Jérôme Euzenat, Gérald Masini and Amedeo Napoli, Languages ​​and object models. INRIA, Teaching Collection (19). Chapter 9, pp 257-289, 1998 (in French).
  • Jérôme Gensel, Integrating Constraints in an Object-Based Knowledge Representation System, Constraint Processing, Editor: Manfred Meyer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Not 923, pp 67-77, 1995.
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