- Daniela F. Milon-Flores, Camille Bernard, Jérôme Gensel, Gregory Giuliani, Bruno Chatenoux, and Hy Dao. Publication of satellite Earth observations in the Linked Open Data Cloud: Experiment through the TRACES project. 21st International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS), June, 17-18, 2024, Yverdon-les-Bains, Switzerland.
- Daniela F. Milon-Flores, Camille Bernard, Jérôme Gensel, Gregory Giuliani, Bruno Chatenoux, and Hy Dao. Towards semantic enrichment of Earth Observation data: The LEODS framework. International AGILE’2024 Conference, June, 4-7, 2024, Glasgow, UK.
- Camille Bernard, Matthieu Viry, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel. GeoChangeViz: visualizing Knowledge Graphs about changes in geographical divisions. ISWC 2023, Demo track, 22nd International Semantic Web Conference2, Nov 2023, Athens, Greece.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto, Jérôme Gensel: DEvIR: Data Collection and Analysis for the Recommendation of Events and Itineraries, HICSS, pp 1-10, 2019.
Camille Bernard, Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hy Dao: An ontology-based algorithm for managing the evolution of multi-level territorial partitions. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2018, p 456-459, November 6 – 9, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2018.
Camille Bernard, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hy Dao Modeling changes in territorial partitions over time: Ontologies TSN and TSN-Change, The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Pau, France, April 9 – 13, 2018.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. A programming framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing, 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), Salzburg, Austria, December 4-6, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto and Jérôme Gensel: Users Psychological Profiles for Leisure Activity Recommendation: User Study, Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism (RecTour 2017), 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy, August 27-31, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto and Jérôme Gensel: Itinerary Recommendation for Cruises: User Study, Workshop on Recommender Systems for Citizens (CitRec 2017), 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy, August 27-31, 2017.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Le Quéau: Design Patterns for Modelling Life Trajectories in the Semantic Web. 15th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2017), pp 51-65, May 8,9, Shanghai, China, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto1, and Jérôme Gensel, Recommendation of Short-Term Activity Sequences During Distributed Events, 5th Solving Problems with Uncertainties Workshop, International conference in Computational Science (ICCS2017), Zurich, Switzerland, June 12-14, 2017.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. A Generic Architecture for Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS, June 1-3, Grenoble, France, 2016.
Jaime Sanchez, Ticianne Ribeiro, Rossana Andrade, Windson Viana, Jérôme Gensel. Multimodal Interfaces for Improving the Intellect of the Blind. In: XX Congresso de Informática Educativa – TISE, v. 1. p. 404-414, Santiago, Chile, 2015.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Le Quéau. Modeling semantic trajectories including multiple viewpoints and explanatory factors: application to life trajectories, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS) 2015, Seattle, United States. Proceedings of the 1st International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS), November 2015.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, Service Discovery for Spontaneous Communities in pervasive environment,16th edition of the conference series on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2015, Miami, Florida, November 1-3, 2015.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. Opportunistic Trajectory Recommendation for Task Accomplishment in Crowdsourcing Systems, W2GIS 2015, Grenoble, France, 2015.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret and Jérôme Gensel, Towards Matching Improvement Between Spatio-Temporal Tasks and Workers in Mobile Crowdsourcing Market Systems, Workshop ACM SIGSPATIAL MobiGIS 2014, Dallas (TX), USA, November 2014.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Dalmau Marc, Jérôme Gensel, Ghorbali Mohamed Amine – Design and development of semantic application for communities – SMAP 2014 – 9th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, Corfu, Greece, November 6-7, 2014.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, Mohamed Amine Ghorbali, – Taldea Demo: a Spontaneous Community-aware Application in Pervasive Environment – MoWNet’2014 (2014 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking conference), Rome, Italy, September 8-9, 2014.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Contributions citoyennes qualitatives sur le vécu urbain : l’application Récitoire, 3rd International EIDOLON Symposium on Cartographic Innovation, 3-4 July 2014, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2014.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Jérôme Gensel, Recitoire: a tool for qualitative surveys involving citizens in urban planning projects, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 3-6 , Castellón, Spain, 2014.
Anthony Hombiat, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Jérôme Gensel, Methods and tools for comparing municipal services with citizens’ expectations through open and volunteered data, Poster, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 3-6 , Castellón, Spain, 2014.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Gueguen, and Laurent Poulenard. Isibat: a Web and Wireless Application for Collecting Urban Data about Seismic Risk, W2GIS 2014, Seoul, South-Korea, 2014.
Betül Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Genoud, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez, An Architecture for Surroundings Discovery by Linking 3D Models and LOD Cloud, Workshop ACM SIGSPATIAL MobiGIS 2013, Orlando (FL), USA, November 5-8, 2013.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, A Semantic Social Software for Mobile Environment, 1st International Workshop on Social Networks and Digital Ecosystems (SN&DE), 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, University of Technology of Compiegne, Compiegne, France, October 28-30, 2013.
Betül Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Genoud, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez, Extending Augmented Reality Mobile Application with Structured Knowledge from the LOD Cloud, 3rd International Workshop on Information Management in Mobile Applications (IMMoA), VLDB 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, August 26–30, 2013.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel and Mohamed Amine Ghorbali. Taldea: a Tool for Fostering Spontaneous Community, 1th International Workshop on Semantic Social Network (SSN 2013), 13th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2013), Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-12, 2013.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Isaac Baretto, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Beck, Bernard Schmitt, Exploring Martian Climatologic Data Using Geovisualization : MARSIG a Spatio-Temporal Information System for Planetary Science, in Cartography from Pole to Pole, ed. by N. Buchroithner, M., Prechtel and Dirk Burghardt, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Subseries Publications of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Dresden, Allemagne : Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 247–260., 201
Mouna Snoussi, Jérôme Gensel and Paule-Annick Davoine. Extending TimeML and SpatialML languages to handle imperfect spatio-temporal information in the context of natural hazards studies, The 15th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, AGILE 2012, April 24-27, Avignon, France., 2012
Betul Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez. ARCAMA-3D – A Context-Aware Augmented Reality Mobile Platform for Environmental Discovery, W2GIS 2012, Napoli, Italy, 2012.
Windson Carvalho, Rossana Andrade, Edgar Marçal, Marcio Maia, Valdeni Lima, Jérôme Gensel, Celso Freire Jr, Jaime Sanchez. Towards context-aware and mobile e-learning applications. In: XVI Congreso Internacional de Informática Educativa, TISE, Santiago, Chile, p. 207-212. 2011.
Gilles Pison, Hélène Mathian, Christine Plumejeaud, Jérôme Gensel Exploring world demography online. 25eme Conférence Cartographique Internationale, Paris, France, July 2011.
Christine Plumejeaud, Dounia Azzi, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel Toward an interactive system for checking spatio-temporal data quality, 1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011, Mapping Global Change, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-25 March 2011.
Christine Plumejeaud, Hélène Mathian, Jérôme Gensel, Claude Grasland. Visualizing Evolutions of Socio-Economic disparities with HyperTime. Communication in Visualization Workshop of AGILE 2010 conference, Guimaraes, May 2010.
Christine Plumejeaud, Julie Prud’homme, Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel. Transferring Indicators into Different Partitions of Geographic Space. ICCSA (1), :445-460, 2010.
José Bringel Filho, Alina Dia Miron, Ichiro Satoh, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin. Modeling and Measuring Quality of Context Information in Pervasive Environments. AINA, p. 690-697, 2010.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, “Discovery of Spatial Links between Individuals on the Geospatial Semantic Web”, 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2009), Fairfax, USA, August 12-14, 2009.
Sandro Bimonte, Jérôme Gensel, Michela Bertolotto, Enriching Spatial OLAP with Map Generalization: A Conceptual Multidimensional Model. Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Mining, Pisa, Italy, IEEE Press, December 15, 2008.
Windson Viana, Samira Hamiche, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Photo Context as a Bag of Words. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2008). Berkeley, CA, USA. 2008.
Windson Viana, Samira Hamiche, Bogdan Moisuc, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Semantic Keyword–based Retrieval of Photos taken with Mobile Devices. 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2008). Austria, 2008.
Christine Plumejeaud, Jean-Marc Vincent, Claude Grasland, Sandro Bimonte, Hélène Mathian, Serge Guelton, Joël Boulier, Jérôme Gensel: HyperSmooth: A System for Interactive Spatial Analysis Via Potential Maps, pp 4-16, W2GIS, Shangaï, China, December 11-12, 2008.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver: Semantic Analysis for the Geospatial Web – Application to OWL-DL Ontologies. pp 37-49, W2GIS, Shangaï, China, December 11-12, 2008.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Miguel Torres Moreno: ” Query Routing Process for Adapted Information Retrieval using Agents”. XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI 2008), pp.11-20, Santa Fe, Argentina, September 8-12, 2008.
Manuele Kirsch Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Yolande Berbers, Hervé Martin, Personalizing Web-Based Information Systems through Context-Aware User Profiles, UbiComm 2008, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Miguel Torres Moreno, Query Routing in nomadic environments with PUMAS. 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2008), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008.
Windson Viana, José Bringel Filho, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, A Semantic Approach and a Web Tool for Contextual Annotation of Photos Using Camera Phones, 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2007, December 3-7, Nancy, France, 2007.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, and Hervé Martin, Contextual User Profile for adapting information in nomadic environments, WISE 2007 Workshop on Personalized Access to Web Information, PAWI 2007, Nancy, France, December 3, 2007.
Windson Viana, José Bringel Filho, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova Oliver, Hervé Martin, PhotoMap: automatic spatiotemporal annotation for mobile photos, 7th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS (W2GIS 2007), November 28-29, Cardiff, UK, 2007.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin: Profiling Nomadic Users Considering Preferences and Context of Use. International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for social applications (MONET’07), OTM Federated Conferences and Workshops, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part I, vol. 4805, pp.457-466, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, November 25-30, 2007.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Towards the Geo-spatial Querying of the Semantic Web with ONTOAST, 7th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS (W2GIS 2007), November 28-29, Cardiff, UK, 2007.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Semantic-based rules for 3D scene adaptation, Web3D Symposium, Perugia, Italy, April 2007.
Stéphane Ayache, Georges Quénot, Jérôme Gensel, Shin’ichi Satoh, Classifier Fusion for SVM-Based Multimedia Semantic Indexing, 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007), Rome, April 2-5, 2007.
Bogdan Moisuc, Jérôme Gensel, Paule-Annick Davoine, Hervé Martin, Designing Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Information Systems for Natural Hazard Risks with ASTIS, 6th International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographic Information Systems (W2GIS’2006), December 4–5, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
Stéphane Ayache, Georges Quénot, Jérôme Gensel, Shin’ichi Satoh, Using topic concepts for semantic video shots classification, CIVR2006 International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Tempe AZ, USA, July 13-15, 2006.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, A Personalized and Context-Aware Adaptation Process for Web-Based Information Systems, CAiSE’06 Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, UMICS 2006, Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, June 5-6, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, User localization using a typology of 3D queries, First Int. Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 29-30, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. An MPEG-7 framework enhancing the reuse of 3D models, Web3D 2006 Symposium, Columbia, Maryland, USA, April 18-21, 2006.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Knowledge Management for Adapted Information Retrieval in Ubiquitous Environments, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2006), Setubal, Portugal, April 11-13, 2006.
Céline Lopez-Velasco, Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Invoking Adapted Web Services Using a Multi-Agents System: The framework PUMAS-AWS, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2006), Setubal, Portugal, April 11-13, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. Annotating 3D contents with MPEG-7 for reuse purposes. International Confernce on Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval 2006 (EI122), San Jose, California, USA, January 15–19, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. 3DSEAM: a model for annotating 3D scenes using MPEG-7, IEEE International Symposium of Multimedia (ISM2005), Irvine, California, USA, December 12-14, 2005.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. On indexing of 3D scenes using MPEG-7, International Conference ACM Multimedia 2005, Singapore, November 6-11, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, “Sistemas Multi-Agente ubícuos para la recuperación de información adaptada”, 31st Latin-American Informatics Conference, Cali, Colombia, October 10-14, 2005.
Bogdan Moisuc, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Design of adaptable spatial analysis applications: the Hypercarte project, International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems (IF&GIS-05), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 25-27, 2005.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, STAMP: Adaptable Templates for Synchronized Multimedia Presentations, Internatinal Conference on Web Intelligence WI’05, Compiègne, France, September 19-22, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova–Oliver, Hervé Martin, A Framework based on Multi–Agent Systems for Information Retrieval through Mobile Devices, Third German Conference on MultiAgent System Technologies MATES’05, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005.
Bogdan Moisuc, Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Design of spatio-temporal information systems with an object-oriented knowledge representation approach, GEOINFORMATICS 2005, Toronto, Canada, August 17-19, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, Adapted Information Retrieval in Web Information Systems using PUMAS, Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC 2005) at the fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, A Peer Ubiquitous Multi-Agent Framework for providing nomadic users with adapted information, Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS 2005) at the fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2005.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel, Aurélie Arnaud, Historical Cartography for Natural Hazards, International Cartographis Conference, A Coruña, Sapin, July 9-16, 2005.
Claude Grasland, Hervé Martin, Jean-Marc-Vincent, Jérôme Gensel, Hélène Mathian, Said Oulahal, Olivier Cuenot, Euloge Edi, Lilianne Lizzi. Le projet Hypercarte : analyse spatiale et cartographie interactive. SAGEO’2005, International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, Avignon, France, June 20-23, 2005.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, BW-M: A Framework for Awareness Support in Web-Based Groupware Systems, 9th International Conference on CSCW in Design (CSCWD 2005), Coventry, United Kingdom, May 2005.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Context-Aware Filtering for Collaborative Web Systems: Adapting the Awareness Information to the User’s Context, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Web Technologies and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 -17, 2005.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, PUMAS: a Framework based on Ubiquitous Agents for Accessing Web Information Systems through Mobile Devices, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Web Technologies and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 -17, 2005.
Mehdi Adda, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, “ACXD: Access Control for XML Documents”, Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Technologies (WPTACT 2005), Montréal, Canada, January 19, 2005.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, “Modelling with Ubiquitous Agents a Web-based Information System Accessed through Mobile Devices”, in International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2004), Larnaca, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “A Context-Based Awareness Mechanism for Mobile Cooperative Users”, in International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2004), Larnaca, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “Awareness on Mobile Groupware Systems”, in the First International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA 2004), Florianópolis, Brazil, October 20-22, 2004.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin: “Accesing a Web-Based Information System Modeled as an Ubiquitous Multi-Agent System” 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, ESIEE Paris Cité Descartes, Marne la Vallée, France, September 06-10, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “Representing Context for an Adaptative Awareness Mechanism”, in X International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2004), San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 2004.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, A Web-based Multimedia Framework for Diffusing Spatio-Temporal Information: Application to Natural Hazards, 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, GEOINFORMATICS 2004, Gävle, Sweden, June 7-9, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, José Valdeni de Lima and Hervé Martin, Providing a Progressive Access to Awareness Information, Tenth International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2888, pp 336-353, Catania, Sicily (Italy), November 3-7, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Models and Guidelines for the Design of Progressive Access in Web-based Information Systems, 9th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2817, pp 238-249, Catania, Sicily (Italy)Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Five Models for Integrating a Progressive Access Approach into Web-based Information Systems, Poster Session of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, , Budapest, May 20-24, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Progressive Access: a Step towards Adaptability in Web-based Information Systems, 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2425, pp 422-433, Montpellier, France, September 2-5, 2002.
Jérôme Gensel, José Celso Freire Junior, Edicarsia Barbiero, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, Adaptable Web Teaching with KIWIS, International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2002), UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 18-22, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Stratification of the Information Space in Web-based Information Systems, Tenth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2002), pp 429-438, Gdansk, Poland, June 6-8, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Exploiting a Progressive Access Model to Information, 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems (AH2002), pp 444-447, Malaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin and Christelle Erb, Masks and Multiple Formats-Two Notions for a Progressive and Adapted Access to Information, Third IEEE Conference on Information Technology ITCC-2002, pp 300-305, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 8-10, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin and Christelle Erb, Design and Generation of Adaptable Web Information Systems with KIWIS, Third IEEE Conference on Information Technology ITCC-2002, pp 306-311, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 8-10, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Progressive Access to Knowledge in Web Information Systems through Zooms, Multimedia Presentations, 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS ’01), pp 467-476, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, August 27-29, 2001.
Abdelmadjid Ketfi, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Enhancing a Multimedia Presentation System with Object-Based Knowledge Representation, Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2001), pp 264-269, Honolulu (HA), USA, August 13-16, 2001.
Abdelmadjid Ketfi, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, An Object-Based Knowledge Representation Approach for Multimedia Presentations, International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE 2001), Lyon, France, July 4, 2001.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel, Cécile Capponi, Christophe Bruley, Philippe Genoud, Danielle Ziébelin, Daniel Bardou and Véronique Dupierris, A New Approach in Object-Based Knowledge Representation: the AROM System The 14th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, (IEA/AIE2001), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2070, pp 113-118, Budapest, Hungary, June 4-7, 2001.
Philippe Genoud, Véronique Dupierris, Michel Page, Christophe Bruley, Danielle Ziébelin, Jérôme Gensel and Daniel Bardou, From AROM, a new Object Based Knowledge Representation System, to WebAROM, a Knowledge Bases Server, Workshop Application of Advanced Information Technologies to Medicine (AAITM), AIMSA 2000, Varna, Bulgaria, September 23, 2000.
Cécile Capponi and Jérôme Gensel, Classifications among classes and associations: the AROM’s Approach, Workshop “Objects and classification: a natural convergence” at the 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2000), Cannes et Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 12, 2000.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, An Algorithm for Goal-Driven Simulation, Winter Simulation Conference (WSC1999), Phoenix (AR), USA, December 4-8, 1999.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, AMIA: an environment for knowledge-based discrete-time simulation, Actes du AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium on Hybrid Systems and AI, Stanford University (CA), USA, March 22-24, 1999.
Vincent Thornary and Jérôme Gensel, A hybrid representation for set constraint satisfaction problems, Workshop on Set Constraints, Fourth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Pisa, Italy, October 26-30, 1998.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel, Mahfoud Boudis, Developing knowledge-based discrete-time simulation systems in AMIA, International Conference on Contribution of Cognition to Modelling (CCM’98), Lyon, France, July 6-8, 1998.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, AMIA: an environment for knowledge-based continuous simulation, International Conference Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA’98), Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998.
Cécile Capponi, Jérôme Euzenat and Jérôme Gensel, Objects, types and constraints as classification schemes (abstract), A ctes international symposium on “Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency”, pp69-73, Santa-Cruz (CA), USA, August 11-13, 1995.
Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Girard and Olivier Schmeltzer, Integrating constraints, composite objects and tasks in a knowledge representation system, 5th international conference on Tools With Artificial Intelligence TWAI93, pp127-130, Cambridge (MA), USA, November 8-11, 1993.
Jérôme Gensel, Constraint integration in an object-based knowledge representation system, (oral communication), Third ECOOP workshop for doctoral students in object-oriented systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 1993.
Jérôme Gensel, Integrating constraints in an object-based knowledge representation system, CSAM93 workshop on constraint processing, pp196-197, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, (also in available in Research report D-93-14, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp51-64), July 20-21, 1993.
Camille Bernard, Matthieu Viry, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel. GeoChangeViz: visualizing Knowledge Graphs about changes in geographical divisions. ISWC 2023, Demo track, 22nd International Semantic Web Conference2, Nov 2023, Athens, Greece.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto, Jérôme Gensel: DEvIR: Data Collection and Analysis for the Recommendation of Events and Itineraries, HICSS, pp 1-10, 2019.
Camille Bernard, Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hy Dao: An ontology-based algorithm for managing the evolution of multi-level territorial partitions. SIGSPATIAL/GIS 2018, p 456-459, November 6 – 9, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2018.
Camille Bernard, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hy Dao Modeling changes in territorial partitions over time: Ontologies TSN and TSN-Change, The 33rd ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing (SAC 2018), Pau, France, April 9 – 13, 2018.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. A programming framework for Spatial Crowdsourcing, 15th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2017), Salzburg, Austria, December 4-6, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto and Jérôme Gensel: Users Psychological Profiles for Leisure Activity Recommendation: User Study, Workshop on Recommenders in Tourism (RecTour 2017), 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy, August 27-31, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto and Jérôme Gensel: Itinerary Recommendation for Cruises: User Study, Workshop on Recommender Systems for Citizens (CitRec 2017), 11th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems, Como, Italy, August 27-31, 2017.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Le Quéau: Design Patterns for Modelling Life Trajectories in the Semantic Web. 15th International Symposium on Web and Wireless Geographical Information Systems (W2GIS 2017), pp 51-65, May 8,9, Shanghai, China, 2017.
Diana Nurbakova, Léa Laporte, Sylvie Calabretto1, and Jérôme Gensel, Recommendation of Short-Term Activity Sequences During Distributed Events, 5th Solving Problems with Uncertainties Workshop, International conference in Computational Science (ICCS2017), Zurich, Switzerland, June 12-14, 2017.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. A Generic Architecture for Spatial Crowdsourcing. IEEE Tenth International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, RCIS, June 1-3, Grenoble, France, 2016.
Jaime Sanchez, Ticianne Ribeiro, Rossana Andrade, Windson Viana, Jérôme Gensel. Multimodal Interfaces for Improving the Intellect of the Blind. In: XX Congresso de Informática Educativa – TISE, v. 1. p. 404-414, Santiago, Chile, 2015.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Le Quéau. Modeling semantic trajectories including multiple viewpoints and explanatory factors: application to life trajectories, ACM SIGSPATIAL International Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS) 2015, Seattle, United States. Proceedings of the 1st International ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS), November 2015.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, Service Discovery for Spontaneous Communities in pervasive environment,16th edition of the conference series on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2015, Miami, Florida, November 1-3, 2015.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret, Jérôme Gensel. Opportunistic Trajectory Recommendation for Task Accomplishment in Crowdsourcing Systems, W2GIS 2015, Grenoble, France, 2015.
André Sales Fonteles, Sylvain Bouveret and Jérôme Gensel, Towards Matching Improvement Between Spatio-Temporal Tasks and Workers in Mobile Crowdsourcing Market Systems, Workshop ACM SIGSPATIAL MobiGIS 2014, Dallas (TX), USA, November 2014.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Dalmau Marc, Jérôme Gensel, Ghorbali Mohamed Amine – Design and development of semantic application for communities – SMAP 2014 – 9th International Workshop on Semantic and Social Media Adaptation and Personalization, Corfu, Greece, November 6-7, 2014.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, Mohamed Amine Ghorbali, – Taldea Demo: a Spontaneous Community-aware Application in Pervasive Environment – MoWNet’2014 (2014 International Conference on Selected Topics in Mobile and Wireless Networking conference), Rome, Italy, September 8-9, 2014.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Contributions citoyennes qualitatives sur le vécu urbain : l’application Récitoire, 3rd International EIDOLON Symposium on Cartographic Innovation, 3-4 July 2014, Université Laval, Québec, Canada, 2014.
David Noël, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Jérôme Gensel, Recitoire: a tool for qualitative surveys involving citizens in urban planning projects, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 3-6 , Castellón, Spain, 2014.
Anthony Hombiat, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Jérôme Gensel, Methods and tools for comparing municipal services with citizens’ expectations through open and volunteered data, Poster, 17th AGILE Conference on Geographic Information Science, June 3-6 , Castellón, Spain, 2014.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Gueguen, and Laurent Poulenard. Isibat: a Web and Wireless Application for Collecting Urban Data about Seismic Risk, W2GIS 2014, Seoul, South-Korea, 2014.
Betül Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Genoud, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez, An Architecture for Surroundings Discovery by Linking 3D Models and LOD Cloud, Workshop ACM SIGSPATIAL MobiGIS 2013, Orlando (FL), USA, November 5-8, 2013.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel, A Semantic Social Software for Mobile Environment, 1st International Workshop on Social Networks and Digital Ecosystems (SN&DE), 8th International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computing, University of Technology of Compiegne, Compiegne, France, October 28-30, 2013.
Betül Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Philippe Genoud, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez, Extending Augmented Reality Mobile Application with Structured Knowledge from the LOD Cloud, 3rd International Workshop on Information Management in Mobile Applications (IMMoA), VLDB 2013, Riva del Garda, Trento, Italy, August 26–30, 2013.
Ghada Ben Nejma, Philippe Roose, Marc Dalmau, Jérôme Gensel and Mohamed Amine Ghorbali. Taldea: a Tool for Fostering Spontaneous Community, 1th International Workshop on Semantic Social Network (SSN 2013), 13th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2013), Aalborg, Denmark, July 8-12, 2013.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Christine Plumejeaud-Perreau, Isaac Baretto, Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Beck, Bernard Schmitt, Exploring Martian Climatologic Data Using Geovisualization : MARSIG a Spatio-Temporal Information System for Planetary Science, in Cartography from Pole to Pole, ed. by N. Buchroithner, M., Prechtel and Dirk Burghardt, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography, Subseries Publications of the International Cartographic Association (ICA), Dresden, Allemagne : Springer, Berlin Heidelberg, p. 247–260., 201
Mouna Snoussi, Jérôme Gensel and Paule-Annick Davoine. Extending TimeML and SpatialML languages to handle imperfect spatio-temporal information in the context of natural hazards studies, The 15th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, AGILE 2012, April 24-27, Avignon, France., 2012
Betul Aydin, Jérôme Gensel, Sylvie Calabretto and Bruno Tellez. ARCAMA-3D – A Context-Aware Augmented Reality Mobile Platform for Environmental Discovery, W2GIS 2012, Napoli, Italy, 2012.
Windson Carvalho, Rossana Andrade, Edgar Marçal, Marcio Maia, Valdeni Lima, Jérôme Gensel, Celso Freire Jr, Jaime Sanchez. Towards context-aware and mobile e-learning applications. In: XVI Congreso Internacional de Informática Educativa, TISE, Santiago, Chile, p. 207-212. 2011.
Gilles Pison, Hélène Mathian, Christine Plumejeaud, Jérôme Gensel Exploring world demography online. 25eme Conférence Cartographique Internationale, Paris, France, July 2011.
Christine Plumejeaud, Dounia Azzi, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel Toward an interactive system for checking spatio-temporal data quality, 1st Conference on Spatial Statistics 2011, Mapping Global Change, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 23-25 March 2011.
Christine Plumejeaud, Hélène Mathian, Jérôme Gensel, Claude Grasland. Visualizing Evolutions of Socio-Economic disparities with HyperTime. Communication in Visualization Workshop of AGILE 2010 conference, Guimaraes, May 2010.
Christine Plumejeaud, Julie Prud’homme, Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel. Transferring Indicators into Different Partitions of Geographic Space. ICCSA (1), :445-460, 2010.
José Bringel Filho, Alina Dia Miron, Ichiro Satoh, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin. Modeling and Measuring Quality of Context Information in Pervasive Environments. AINA, p. 690-697, 2010.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, “Discovery of Spatial Links between Individuals on the Geospatial Semantic Web”, 17th International Conference on Geoinformatics (Geoinformatics 2009), Fairfax, USA, August 12-14, 2009.
Sandro Bimonte, Jérôme Gensel, Michela Bertolotto, Enriching Spatial OLAP with Map Generalization: A Conceptual Multidimensional Model. Workshop on Spatial and Spatio-temporal Data Mining, Pisa, Italy, IEEE Press, December 15, 2008.
Windson Viana, Samira Hamiche, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Photo Context as a Bag of Words. IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM2008). Berkeley, CA, USA. 2008.
Windson Viana, Samira Hamiche, Bogdan Moisuc, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Semantic Keyword–based Retrieval of Photos taken with Mobile Devices. 6th International Conference on Advances in Mobile Computing & Multimedia (MoMM2008). Austria, 2008.
Christine Plumejeaud, Jean-Marc Vincent, Claude Grasland, Sandro Bimonte, Hélène Mathian, Serge Guelton, Joël Boulier, Jérôme Gensel: HyperSmooth: A System for Interactive Spatial Analysis Via Potential Maps, pp 4-16, W2GIS, Shangaï, China, December 11-12, 2008.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver: Semantic Analysis for the Geospatial Web – Application to OWL-DL Ontologies. pp 37-49, W2GIS, Shangaï, China, December 11-12, 2008.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Miguel Torres Moreno: ” Query Routing Process for Adapted Information Retrieval using Agents”. XXXIV Conferencia Latinoamericana de Informática (CLEI 2008), pp.11-20, Santa Fe, Argentina, September 8-12, 2008.
Manuele Kirsch Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Yolande Berbers, Hervé Martin, Personalizing Web-Based Information Systems through Context-Aware User Profiles, UbiComm 2008, Valencia, Spain, 2008.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Miguel Torres Moreno, Query Routing in nomadic environments with PUMAS. 4th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2008), Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, May 4-7, 2008.
Windson Viana, José Bringel Filho, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, A Semantic Approach and a Web Tool for Contextual Annotation of Photos Using Camera Phones, 8th International Conference on Web Information Systems Engineering, WISE 2007, December 3-7, Nancy, France, 2007.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, and Hervé Martin, Contextual User Profile for adapting information in nomadic environments, WISE 2007 Workshop on Personalized Access to Web Information, PAWI 2007, Nancy, France, December 3, 2007.
Windson Viana, José Bringel Filho, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova Oliver, Hervé Martin, PhotoMap: automatic spatiotemporal annotation for mobile photos, 7th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS (W2GIS 2007), November 28-29, Cardiff, UK, 2007.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin: Profiling Nomadic Users Considering Preferences and Context of Use. International Workshop on MObile and NEtworking Technologies for social applications (MONET’07), OTM Federated Conferences and Workshops, Springer, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Part I, vol. 4805, pp.457-466, Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, November 25-30, 2007.
Alina Dia Miron, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Towards the Geo-spatial Querying of the Semantic Web with ONTOAST, 7th International Symposium on Web and Wireless GIS (W2GIS 2007), November 28-29, Cardiff, UK, 2007.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Semantic-based rules for 3D scene adaptation, Web3D Symposium, Perugia, Italy, April 2007.
Stéphane Ayache, Georges Quénot, Jérôme Gensel, Shin’ichi Satoh, Classifier Fusion for SVM-Based Multimedia Semantic Indexing, 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR 2007), Rome, April 2-5, 2007.
Bogdan Moisuc, Jérôme Gensel, Paule-Annick Davoine, Hervé Martin, Designing Adaptive Spatio-Temporal Information Systems for Natural Hazard Risks with ASTIS, 6th International Symposium on Web & Wireless Geographic Information Systems (W2GIS’2006), December 4–5, Hong Kong, China, 2006.
Stéphane Ayache, Georges Quénot, Jérôme Gensel, Shin’ichi Satoh, Using topic concepts for semantic video shots classification, CIVR2006 International Conference on Image and Video Retrieval, Tempe AZ, USA, July 13-15, 2006.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, A Personalized and Context-Aware Adaptation Process for Web-Based Information Systems, CAiSE’06 Workshop on Ubiquitous Mobile Information and Collaboration Systems, UMICS 2006, Luxembourg, Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg, June 5-6, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, User localization using a typology of 3D queries, First Int. Workshop on Mobile Geospatial Augmented Reality, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 29-30, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. An MPEG-7 framework enhancing the reuse of 3D models, Web3D 2006 Symposium, Columbia, Maryland, USA, April 18-21, 2006.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Knowledge Management for Adapted Information Retrieval in Ubiquitous Environments, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2006), Setubal, Portugal, April 11-13, 2006.
Céline Lopez-Velasco, Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, Invoking Adapted Web Services Using a Multi-Agents System: The framework PUMAS-AWS, International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies (WebIST 2006), Setubal, Portugal, April 11-13, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. Annotating 3D contents with MPEG-7 for reuse purposes. International Confernce on Multimedia Content Analysis, Management, and Retrieval 2006 (EI122), San Jose, California, USA, January 15–19, 2006.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. 3DSEAM: a model for annotating 3D scenes using MPEG-7, IEEE International Symposium of Multimedia (ISM2005), Irvine, California, USA, December 12-14, 2005.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin. On indexing of 3D scenes using MPEG-7, International Conference ACM Multimedia 2005, Singapore, November 6-11, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, “Sistemas Multi-Agente ubícuos para la recuperación de información adaptada”, 31st Latin-American Informatics Conference, Cali, Colombia, October 10-14, 2005.
Bogdan Moisuc, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Design of adaptable spatial analysis applications: the Hypercarte project, International Workshop on Information Fusion and Geographical Information Systems (IF&GIS-05), St. Petersburg, Russia, September 25-27, 2005.
Ioan Marius Bilasco, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, STAMP: Adaptable Templates for Synchronized Multimedia Presentations, Internatinal Conference on Web Intelligence WI’05, Compiègne, France, September 19-22, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova–Oliver, Hervé Martin, A Framework based on Multi–Agent Systems for Information Retrieval through Mobile Devices, Third German Conference on MultiAgent System Technologies MATES’05, Koblenz, Germany, September 11-13, 2005.
Bogdan Moisuc, Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Design of spatio-temporal information systems with an object-oriented knowledge representation approach, GEOINFORMATICS 2005, Toronto, Canada, August 17-19, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, Adapted Information Retrieval in Web Information Systems using PUMAS, Workshop on Agents and Peer-to-Peer Computing (AP2PC 2005) at the fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2005.
Angela Carrillo Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, A Peer Ubiquitous Multi-Agent Framework for providing nomadic users with adapted information, Workshop on Agent-Oriented Information Systems (AOIS 2005) at the fourth International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi Agent Systems (AAMAS 2005), Utrecht, Netherlands, July 25-29, 2005.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel, Aurélie Arnaud, Historical Cartography for Natural Hazards, International Cartographis Conference, A Coruña, Sapin, July 9-16, 2005.
Claude Grasland, Hervé Martin, Jean-Marc-Vincent, Jérôme Gensel, Hélène Mathian, Said Oulahal, Olivier Cuenot, Euloge Edi, Lilianne Lizzi. Le projet Hypercarte : analyse spatiale et cartographie interactive. SAGEO’2005, International Conference on Spatial Analysis and GEOmatics, Avignon, France, June 20-23, 2005.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, BW-M: A Framework for Awareness Support in Web-Based Groupware Systems, 9th International Conference on CSCW in Design (CSCWD 2005), Coventry, United Kingdom, May 2005.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Context-Aware Filtering for Collaborative Web Systems: Adapting the Awareness Information to the User’s Context, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Web Technologies and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 -17, 2005.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Hervé Martin, PUMAS: a Framework based on Ubiquitous Agents for Accessing Web Information Systems through Mobile Devices, 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing – Web Technologies and Applications, Santa Fe, New Mexico, March 13 -17, 2005.
Mehdi Adda, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, “ACXD: Access Control for XML Documents”, Workshop on Practice and Theory of Access Control Technologies (WPTACT 2005), Montréal, Canada, January 19, 2005.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, “Modelling with Ubiquitous Agents a Web-based Information System Accessed through Mobile Devices”, in International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2004), Larnaca, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “A Context-Based Awareness Mechanism for Mobile Cooperative Users”, in International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS 2004), Larnaca, Cyprus, October 25-29, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “Awareness on Mobile Groupware Systems”, in the First International Workshop on Mobility Aware Technologies and Applications (MATA 2004), Florianópolis, Brazil, October 20-22, 2004.
Angela Carrillo-Ramos, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin: “Accesing a Web-Based Information System Modeled as an Ubiquitous Multi-Agent System” 5th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation, ESIEE Paris Cité Descartes, Marne la Vallée, France, September 06-10, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin, “Representing Context for an Adaptative Awareness Mechanism”, in X International Workshop on Groupware (CRIWG 2004), San Carlos, Costa Rica, September 2004.
Paule-Annick Davoine, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, A Web-based Multimedia Framework for Diffusing Spatio-Temporal Information: Application to Natural Hazards, 12th International Conference on Geoinformatics, GEOINFORMATICS 2004, Gävle, Sweden, June 7-9, 2004.
Manuele Kirsch-Pinheiro, Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, José Valdeni de Lima and Hervé Martin, Providing a Progressive Access to Awareness Information, Tenth International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2888, pp 336-353, Catania, Sicily (Italy), November 3-7, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Models and Guidelines for the Design of Progressive Access in Web-based Information Systems, 9th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS2003), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2817, pp 238-249, Catania, Sicily (Italy)Geneva, Switzerland, September 2-5, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Five Models for Integrating a Progressive Access Approach into Web-based Information Systems, Poster Session of the Twelfth International World Wide Web Conference, , Budapest, May 20-24, 2003.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Progressive Access: a Step towards Adaptability in Web-based Information Systems, 8th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS2002), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, No 2425, pp 422-433, Montpellier, France, September 2-5, 2002.
Jérôme Gensel, José Celso Freire Junior, Edicarsia Barbiero, Marlène Villanova-Oliver and Hervé Martin, Adaptable Web Teaching with KIWIS, International Conference on Engineering Education (ICEE 2002), UMIST, Manchester, United Kingdom, August 18-22, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Stratification of the Information Space in Web-based Information Systems, Tenth European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS2002), pp 429-438, Gdansk, Poland, June 6-8, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Exploiting a Progressive Access Model to Information, 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems (AH2002), pp 444-447, Malaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin and Christelle Erb, Masks and Multiple Formats-Two Notions for a Progressive and Adapted Access to Information, Third IEEE Conference on Information Technology ITCC-2002, pp 300-305, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 8-10, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel, Hervé Martin and Christelle Erb, Design and Generation of Adaptable Web Information Systems with KIWIS, Third IEEE Conference on Information Technology ITCC-2002, pp 306-311, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, April 8-10, 2002.
Marlène Villanova-Oliver, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Progressive Access to Knowledge in Web Information Systems through Zooms, Multimedia Presentations, 7th International Conference on Object-Oriented Information Systems (OOIS ’01), pp 467-476, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, August 27-29, 2001.
Abdelmadjid Ketfi, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, Enhancing a Multimedia Presentation System with Object-Based Knowledge Representation, Internet and Multimedia Systems and Applications (IMSA 2001), pp 264-269, Honolulu (HA), USA, August 13-16, 2001.
Abdelmadjid Ketfi, Jérôme Gensel and Hervé Martin, An Object-Based Knowledge Representation Approach for Multimedia Presentations, International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE 2001), Lyon, France, July 4, 2001.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel, Cécile Capponi, Christophe Bruley, Philippe Genoud, Danielle Ziébelin, Daniel Bardou and Véronique Dupierris, A New Approach in Object-Based Knowledge Representation: the AROM System The 14th International Conference on Industrial & Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, (IEA/AIE2001), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2070, pp 113-118, Budapest, Hungary, June 4-7, 2001.
Philippe Genoud, Véronique Dupierris, Michel Page, Christophe Bruley, Danielle Ziébelin, Jérôme Gensel and Daniel Bardou, From AROM, a new Object Based Knowledge Representation System, to WebAROM, a Knowledge Bases Server, Workshop Application of Advanced Information Technologies to Medicine (AAITM), AIMSA 2000, Varna, Bulgaria, September 23, 2000.
Cécile Capponi and Jérôme Gensel, Classifications among classes and associations: the AROM’s Approach, Workshop “Objects and classification: a natural convergence” at the 14th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP 2000), Cannes et Sophia-Antipolis, France, June 12, 2000.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, An Algorithm for Goal-Driven Simulation, Winter Simulation Conference (WSC1999), Phoenix (AR), USA, December 4-8, 1999.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, AMIA: an environment for knowledge-based discrete-time simulation, Actes du AAAI 1999 Spring Symposium on Hybrid Systems and AI, Stanford University (CA), USA, March 22-24, 1999.
Vincent Thornary and Jérôme Gensel, A hybrid representation for set constraint satisfaction problems, Workshop on Set Constraints, Fourth International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, Pisa, Italy, October 26-30, 1998.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel, Mahfoud Boudis, Developing knowledge-based discrete-time simulation systems in AMIA, International Conference on Contribution of Cognition to Modelling (CCM’98), Lyon, France, July 6-8, 1998.
Michel Page, Jérôme Gensel and Mahfoud Boudis, AMIA: an environment for knowledge-based continuous simulation, International Conference Computational Engineering in Systems Applications (CESA’98), Nabeul-Hammamet, Tunisia, April 1-4, 1998.
Cécile Capponi, Jérôme Euzenat and Jérôme Gensel, Objects, types and constraints as classification schemes (abstract), A ctes international symposium on “Knowledge Retrieval, Use, and Storage for Efficiency”, pp69-73, Santa-Cruz (CA), USA, August 11-13, 1995.
Jérôme Gensel, Pierre Girard and Olivier Schmeltzer, Integrating constraints, composite objects and tasks in a knowledge representation system, 5th international conference on Tools With Artificial Intelligence TWAI93, pp127-130, Cambridge (MA), USA, November 8-11, 1993.
Jérôme Gensel, Constraint integration in an object-based knowledge representation system, (oral communication), Third ECOOP workshop for doctoral students in object-oriented systems, Kaiserslautern, Germany, July 1993.
Jérôme Gensel, Integrating constraints in an object-based knowledge representation system, CSAM93 workshop on constraint processing, pp196-197, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, (also in available in Research report D-93-14, DFKI, Kaiserslautern, Germany, pp51-64), July 20-21, 1993.
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