Keynotes and Talks


  • Towards AI-Powered Data-Driven Education. VLDB, Septembre 2022.
  • Fairness on Online Labor Markets. Conference on Social Responsibility of Algorithms,
    Juin 2022.
  • Discriminations Algorithmiques sur les Plateformes de Travail en Ligne. Bibliothèque
    Kateb Yacine, Grenoble, Mai 2022.
  • Should We Store Or Retrain ML Models For Data Exploration ? Qatar Computing Re-
    search Institute (invited speaker webinar), Mars 2022.
  • Fairness on Online Labor Markets. Distinguished Speaker Series, 1st Greek ACM-W
    Chapter Winter School Fairness in AI, Février 2022.
  • Fairness on Online Labor Markets. Distinguished Speaker Series, Politecnico di Milano,
    Février 2022.
  • Humans in Online Job Markets. Ecole EGC, Janvier 2022.
  • Beyond Recommendations, Chair : Bridging AI and Economics. Evaluation Institut MIAI,
    Janvier 2022.
  • AI-Powered Data-Driven Education. VLDB Keynote, Septembre 2022.
  • Data-Driven Education. Rencontres UGA-McMaster University, Juillet 2022.
  • Systèmes et Algorithmes pour le Behavior Analytics. Programme Carnot ANR, Juin 2022.
  • Should We Store Or Retrain ML Models For Data Exploration ? GdR MADICS, Juillet
  • 2021

  • Should We Store Or Retrain ML Models For Data Exploration ? POLY workshop, VLDB,
    Août 2021.
  • Comment algorithmes et humains collaboreront sur les plateformes ? CNRS direction,
    Juin 2021.
  • Humans in Online Labor Markets. Invited talk ATHENA Institute (Webinar), Apr. 2021.
  • Humans in Online Labor Markets. Invited talk Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Webinar), Mar. 2021.
  • Before 2020

  • Humans in Online Labor Markets. Invited talk Simon Fraser University (Webinar), Nov. 2020.
  • Fairness in Online Labor Markets. Keynote SRDS Women in Computing, Oct. 2019.
  • Human Factors in Data Science. Keynote ACM WomENcourage, Sep. 2019.
  • Publication Strategies for New Researchers. New Researcher Symposium, ACM SIGMOD, July 2019.
  • Fairness in Online Labor Markets. SNF NRP 75 Workshop, May 2019.
  • Fairness in Online Labor Markets. Big Data Workshop @ HKU, Apr. 2019.
  • Human Factors are the Next Disruption in Virtual Marketplaces. Keynote Women in Data Science, Mar. 2019.
  • Facteurs humains dans les marchés virtuels. Colloque les sciences de l’information en interaction avec l’humain pour les 80 ans du CNRS. Feb. 2019.
  • The Role of Human Factors in Virtual Marketplaces. KAUST, Jan. 2019.
  • The Role of Human Factors in Virtual Marketplaces. Invited Distinguished Lecturer Peter Wall Institute, University of British Columbia, Nov. 2018.
  • The Role of Human Factors in Virtual Marketplaces. LICIA, Sep. 2018.
  • Evolution of Database Research. Keynote PhD Workshop Panel@VLDB, Aug. 2018.
  • Human Factors in Data Science. UFRGS (Porto Alegre), Aug. 2018.
  • Citizens for Urban Innovation: Fairness Matters. Invited Talk BiDU Workshop@VLDB, Aug. 2018.
  • People on the Web: Challenges and Opportunities. ECE and INSEEC, Paris July 2018.
  • Algorithmic Crowdsourcing meets Social Science. Invited Talk NSF-sponsored Workshop on the Convergence of Human and Technical Perspectives in the Future of Work, May 2018.
  • Human-in-the-loop Personalization. Keynote SoAPS, Feb. 2018.
  • Human-in-the-loop Personalization. A special event in honor of Georg Gottlob’s influential and long-lasting research contributions, Feb. 2018.
  • Human Factors in Data Science. Keynote ICDE 2018: 1-12.
  • Travailleurs du Web : Opportunités et Dangers. Chambre des Métiers et de l’Artisanat de Grenoble, Jan. 2018.
  • A Holistic View of Human Factors in Crowdsourcing, Invited talk at The American University in Beirut, Lebanon, Nov 2017.
  • A Holistic View of Human Factors in Crowdsourcing, Keynote at Brazilian Symposium on Databases, SBBD, Oct 2017.
  • Toward Interactive User Data Analytics, Keynote at British International Conference on Databases, BICOD, July 2017.
  • A Holistic View of Human Factors in Crowdsourcing, Keynote at WAIM/APWEB, June 2017.
  • Is Crowdsourcing Yet Another Distributed System? Invited Talk at the Data Science Meetup, Grenoble, April 2017.
  • Why Does Crowdsourcing Need (More) Match? Journées nationales 2017, GDR Informatique Mathématique, Mar 2017.
  • Is Crowdsourcing Yet Another Distributed System? Keynote at GDR RSD/ASF Winter School on Distributed Systems and Networks, Mar 2017.
  • Peut-on « crowdsourcer » le travail ? Invited talk at Festival des idées, Paris Descartes, Nov 2016.
  • Putting people to work on the Web, Keynote at The 15th International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA), Stockholm, Oct 2016.
  • Putting people to work on the Web, Invited talk at Midi Minatec, Grenoble, Oct 2016.
  • Some Perspectives in (Big) Social Data Exploration, Invited talk at Tsukuba University campus in Tokyo, Japan, Oct 2016.
  • Some Perspectives in (Big) Social Data Exploration, Invited talk at IIT Delhi, India, Sep 2016.
  • Worker-Centricity Could Be Today’s Disruptive Innovation in Crowdsourcing, Keynote talk at 10èmes Journées de l’Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale (JIAF), Montpellier, Jun 2016.
  • Some Perspectives in (Big) Social Data Exploration, Invited Talk at the Data Science Meetup, Grenoble, April 2017.
  • Enjeux des Big Data IoT, Invited talk at Société Informatique de France (SIF), Mar 2016.
  • Worker-Centricity Could Be Today’s Disruptive Innovation in Crowdsourcing, Invited talk at Paris Big Data, Mar 2016.
  • Worker-Centricity Could Be Today’s Disruptive Innovation in Crowdsourcing, Invited talk at TU Berlin, Mar 2016.
  • Putting people to work on the Web, Invited talk at Women In Computing (WICAC), Algiers, Mar 2016.
  • Worker-Centricity Could Be Today’s Disruptive Innovation in Crowdsourcing, Keynote talk at Atelier Données Participatives et Sociales at EGC, Jan 2016.
  • Worker-Centricity Could Be Today’s Disruptive Innovation in Crowdsourcing, Invited talk at Aarhus University, Denmark, Jan 2016.
  • Segmentation des utilisateurs: passage à l’échelle du Web, keynote at Convention Big Data Paris Saclay, Nov 2015.
  • Task Assignment in Crowdsourcing and its Relationship to Composite Item Retrieval and Team Formation, keynote at IDEAS 2015.
  • Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing (and its applications to disaster management), keynote at SAGEO 2014.
  • Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing, MASTODONS LIRMM 2014.
  • Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing (and its applications to political campaigns), keynote at PEPS POLIWEB 2014.
  • Social Data Exploration, Paris LIP6, Big Data and Combinatorial Optimization, SPOC 2014.
  • Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing (and its applications to collaborative document editing), keynote at SAGEO 2014.
  • Mise à contribution des humains sur le Web social – Quels retours pour la science ? Bordeaux, Journées numériques 2014.
  • Task Assignment Optimization in Crowdsourcing (and its applications to crisis management), Toulouse, ISCRAM MED 2014.
  • Some Perspectives in (Big) Social Data Exploration, Toulouse, Recontres Big Data 2014.
  • Big (User) (Health) Data Management, Lille, Big Data and Visualization Workshop 2014.
  • New Perspectives in Social Data Management, Béjaia, COSI 2014.
  • New Perspectives in Social Data Management, Tsukuba, Japan 2014.
  • User Activity Analytics on the Social Web of News. 18th International Conference on Management of Data (COMAD), Dec. 2012.
  • Crowd-Sourcing Literature Review in SUNFLOWER. 1st International Workshop on Crowdsourcing Web Search (CrowdSearch) in conjunction with WWW, Apr. 2012.
  • User and Topic Analytis of the Social Web of News. 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Economic Intelligence (SIIE), Feb. 2012.
  • I am structured: Cluster Me, Don’t Just Rank me. 2nd International Workshop on Business intelli- gencE and the WEB (BEWEB) in conjunction with EDBT, Mar. 2011.
  • Data Management for the Masses. Workshop on Large Scale Data Processing (Telecom ParisTech), Nov. 2010.
  • Composite Retrieval of Stars and Chains. Bases de Donnees Avancees (BDA), Oct. 2010.
  • Social Content Distribution and Recommendation. International Workshop on Social Networks and Distributed Systems (SNDS) in conjunction with PODC, July 2010.
  • I’ll Have What She’s Having: Recommendations in Social Content Sites. Yahoo! Sponsored Seminar and Women in Computer Science at UC Irvine, Nov. 2009.
  • Information Presentation of Ranked Datasets. 10th Anniversary celebration of the W3C office in Greece, Sep. 2009.
  • Information Presentation in Social Content Sites. In the SIGMOD PhD Workshop (IDAR), June 2009.
  • Jelly: A Language for Building Community-Centric Information Exploration Applications With Cong Yu. In the International Workshop on Modeling, Managing and Mining of Evolving Social Networks (M3SN), Apr. 2009.
  • Information Exploration in Social Content Sites. With Cong Yu. In the International Workshop on Database Technologies for Handling XML Information on the Web (DataX), Mar. 2009.
  • A Database Solution to Search 2.0. In the International Workshop on the Web and Databases(WebDB), June 2007.
  • The Power of Structured Data on the Web. In the International Workshop on Web Information and Data Management (WIDM), Oct. 2006.
  • Lessons from a PhD in Paris and a Postdoc in the USA, Japanese Students Workshop in Hakodate, Mar. 2002.