December 2024: Our paper " DiSC: Backpressure Mitigation In Multi-tier Applications With Distributed
Shared Connection" has been accepted at NSDI '25.
December 18-28 2024, I have organized a hackathon in Yaoundé, Cameroon.
December 01-14 2024, Gohar Irfan Chaudhry (Adam Belay's PhD at MIT) is visiting my group.
November 03, 2024, I give a talk at Forum Synergie PEPR Cloud organized at Inria Montbonnot.
November 18-30 2024, Dr Leonel Moyou (University of Yaoundé I) is visiting my group.
November 14-18 2024, I attended Science Beyond Borders in San Francisco.
October 25 to November 1rst 2024, lecture at ENSPY-Cameroon.
October 1rst, 2024: A new systems research team called krakOS has been established in Grenoble. KrakOS is an Inria project team,
and I am the team leader. The team consists of 9 permanent members.
September 9, 2024: Our paper "vPIM: Processing-in-Memory Virtualization" has been accepted at Middleware '24.
September 9, 2024: Our paper "SysFinder: Binary-Level Static System Call Identification" has been accepted at Middleware '24.
September 5, 2024: Stella Bitchebe's PhD thesis "Au-délà de l'hyperviseur (OoH): quand la virtualisation imbriquée devient pratique"
received the Honorable Mention for the GDR RSD Thesis Award - 2024 Edition.
September 2, 2024: I will give a talk at "Seine AI: distributed and parallel workshop", organized by Huawei.
August 7, 2024: I am visiting James Mickens at Hardvard in Boston.
August 5, 2024: I am visiting Tim Wood's team at The George Washington University in Washington DC.
June-August 2024: I am visiting Adam Belay's team at MIT in Boston.
August 2024: I will be nominated Deputy Director of Ensimag in charge of corporate relations.
Nathan Frison, new L3 intern in my group.